If I have an AST and modify it, can I use StringTemplates to generate the source code for the modified AST?
我已经成功实现了Antlr4的语法.它生成源代码的AST,我使用Visitor类执行所需的操作.然后,我修改AST中的某些内容,并希望为修改后的AST生成源代码. (我相信这叫做漂亮印刷吗?).
I have successfully implemented my grammar for Antlr4. It generates the AST of a source code and I use the Visitor Class to perform the desired actions. I then modify something in the AST and I would like to generate the source code for that modified AST. (I believe it is called pretty-printing?).
Does Antlr's built in StringTemplates have all the functionality to do this? Where should one start (practical advice is very welcome)?
You can walk the tree and use string templates (or even plain out string prints) to spit out text equivalents that to some extent reproduce the source text.
But you will find reproducing the source text in a realistic way harder to do than this suggests. If you want back code that the original programmer will not reject, you need to:
- 保留评论.我不认为ANTLR AST会这样做.
- 生成保留原始缩进的布局.
- 保留文字值的基数,前导零计数和其他格式"属性
- 使用合理的转义符重新生成字符串
做好所有这些都是棘手的.请参阅我的答案如何将AST编译回源代码以获取更多详细信息. (很奇怪, ANTLR的家伙建议根本不使用AST ;我猜测这是因为字符串模板仅适用于ANTLR可以解析其结构的ANTLR parse 树,而AST则是您自己构建的任何树.)
Doing all of this well is tricky. See my SO answer How to compile an AST back to source code for more details. (Weirdly, the ANTLR guy suggests not using an AST at all; I'm guessing this is because string templates only work on ANTLR parse trees whose structure ANTLR understands, vs. ASTs which are whatever you home-rolled.)