我开发使用科尔多瓦+ onsenui + angularJs一个移动应用程序,并有用于填充ngRepeat列表特殊要求。
I am developing a mobile app using the cordova + onsenui + angularJs and there are special requirements for populating the ngRepeat list.
Some items could have additional parameters. In that case I want to either display additional information for item (substitude pattern completely with the new one)
or append a new custom item below.
到目前为止,我只学会了如何填充一个模式(适用于所有项目,相同的HTML相同参数)列表项。我如何做出改变,使项目与参数类型= U有对子级的自定义模式? (按钮和一个文本框,例如)
So far I have only learned how to populate list items with one pattern (same parameters for all items, same HTML). How do I make a change so that item with parameter "type = u" whould have a custom pattern? (button and a textbox, for example)
My code:HTML
<ons-page ng-controller="FiltersController">
<ons-list-item modifier="tappable" ng-repeat="item in items">
<label class="checkbox checkbox--list-item">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.selected">
<div class="checkbox__checkmark checkbox--list-item__checkmark"></div>
<ons-icon icon="fa-comment" size="20px"></ons-icon>
app.controller('FiltersController', function ($scope, $timeout) {
function FiltersController($scope) {
$scope.items = {
item1: { name: "Hamburgar", selected: false },
item2: { name: "Pasta", selected: false },
// for next item ideally I need to either:
// change how the 'repeat' element looks like
// or append new element between 'item3' and 'item4'
item3: { name: "Potato", selected: false, type: "u" },
item4: { name: "Makaroni", selected: false },
item5: { name: "Veg", selected: false }
}, 1000);
P.S. I don't need to make any changes to list once controller is loaded. So maybe this will be a bit easier to implement.. No additional elements will be removed or added after that (but of course the user will be using the checkboxes and buttons inside ngRepeat generated list).
语句为HTML,你只希望元素出现在DOM当 NG-重复
You can achieve the desired results by adding an ng-if
statement to HTML elements that you only want to appear in the DOM when the item in ng-repeat
has certain characteristics. For example:
<ons-list-item modifier="tappable" ng-repeat="item in items">
<label class="checkbox checkbox--list-item">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.selected">
<button ng-if="item.name=='Potato'">This button will only appear for item3</button>
只会出现在DOM如果 item.name
In the above example, the button
will only appear in the DOM if the item.name
is Potato