I have a class which gets arguments in a constructor:
public class Dependency{
Dependency(int number1, int number2, int number3, DependencyListener listener){}
each dependent class needs to path different arguments in order to instantiate a dependency.How should i define the module and the component that other classes could initiate it properly while transferring different values and passing 'this' as the listener?
Also, How should i use the @Inject method in this case?
@ jeff-bowman
@jeff-bowmanI was thinking of using the following method:
@Module public class DependencyModule {
int first;
int second;
int third;
DependencyListener listener;
public DependencyModule(int first, int second, int third, DependencyListener listener) {
this.first = first;
this.second = second;
this.third = third;
this.listener = listener
@Provides Dependency provideDependency(int first, int second, int third, DependencyListener listener) {
return new Dependency(first, second, third, listener)
@Component(modules = { DependencyModule.class }) public interface
DependencyComponent {
void inject(DependentClass1 target);
void inject(DependentClass2 target);
void inject(DependentClass3 target);
and in each DependentClass i would do:
public class DependentClass{
@Inject Dependency;
public DependentClass{
DaggerDependencyComponent.builder().dependencyModule(new DependencyModule(first, second, third, this)).build().inject();
Conceptually, what you want is a Factory:
/** Inject this wherever you want an instance of Dependency. */
public interface DependencyFactory {
Dependency create(
int number1,
int number2,
int number3,
DependencyListener listener);
public class DependencyFactoryImpl implements DependencyFactory {
@Inject Provider<SomeDaggerDepIfNeeded> someDaggerDepProvider;
@Override public void create(
int number1,
int number2,
int number3,
DependencyListener listener) {
return new Dependency(number1, number2, number3, listener,
someDaggerDepProvider.get() /* if necessary */);
但是,因为这很容易自动生成,通常有内置工具可以做到这一点。 称之为,并提供(通过可选的扩展JAR),在运行时反射生成工厂。 Dagger 2 没有内置的等价物,主要是因为谷歌已经发布了一个名为 为任何生成工厂 JSR-330 实现包括Dagger,Guice和Spring。
However, because this is so easy to generate automatically, there are often built-in tools to do so. Guice calls this Assisted Injection, and supplies FactoryModuleBuilder (via an optional extension JAR) that reflectively generates factories at runtime. Dagger 2 doesn't have a built-in equivalent, mostly because Google has already released an open-source JSR-330 factory generator called AutoFactory that generates a factory for any JSR-330 implementation including Dagger, Guice, and Spring.
public class Dependency{
int number1, int number2, int number3, DependencyListener listener,
@Provided SomeDaggerDepIfNeeded somedaggerDep){}
See the AutoFactory documentation for details on its calls, particularly if you're interested in having the generated factory implement an interface. Using an interface you define explicitly can make it easier to work with generated code in IDEs.
(如果您不需要Dagger的依赖关系,或者替换对于依赖它的类,这个类的其他实现,你可以完全保留类,并将调用 new
(If you don't have any need for dependencies from Dagger, or for substituting other implementations of this class to classes that depend on it, you can leave the class exactly as it is and treat the call to new
as a factory.)