本文介绍了iTunes Connect 不允许我将自己添加为用户的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在 iTunes Connect 中为客户开发一个应用程序,在他们的 iTunes Connect 帐户下.我想将自己添加为用户,以便我可以在应用程序状态中收到更新的电子邮件通知.当我尝试将自己添加为用户时,我收到以下消息:

I am working on an app in iTunes connect for a client, under their iTunes connect account. I want to add myself as a user so that I can get email notifications of updates in app status. When I try to add myself as a user I get the following message:

您输入的电子邮件地址已属于 iTunes Connect 帐户.要继续,请输入其他电子邮件地址

我在自己公司的 iTunes Connect 帐户上使用此电子邮件地址,但不在我客户的帐户上使用.如何将自己添加为用户?

I am using this email address on my own company's iTunes connect account, but not on my client's account. How can I add myself as a user?


@sarnold 将您的评论变成答案,因为它对我有用.

@sarnold Turning your comment into an answer because it worked for me.

显然出于历史和组织原因,Apple 以分叉的方式运营其开发者和应用商店业务.

Apparently for historical and organizational reasons, Apple operates their developer and app store business in a bifurcated manner.

提供所有技术资源的网站,包括文档、WWDC 视频等.

The web site for all the technical resources, including documentation, WWDC videos and such.



  • 合同、银行业务、付款.
  • 正在上传您完成的应用.
  • 定义您的应用内购买产品.

developer.apple.com 站点很巧妙,因为程序员可以使用一个 Apple ID 来加入多个开发者帐户.她可能在三个不同的公司工作,并在每个公司的开发者帐户中分配到同一个 Apple ID 上的角色.当她登录到开发人员站点时,会看到一个弹出菜单,询问她在此工作会话期间要访问三个公司的开发人员帐户中的哪一个.不错.

The developer.apple.com site is slick in that a programmer can have a single Apple ID used to join multiple developer accounts. She may work for three different companies, and be assigned a role on each of those companies’ Developer accounts all on the same Apple ID. When she logs in to the Developer site, she is presented with a popup menu asking which of the three companies’ Developer accounts she wants to access during this work session. Nice.

问题:在 iTunesConnect 中,不太好.在 iTunesConnect 中,管理员"个人不能将现有 Apple ID 分配为具有角色的成员.很奇怪.管理员被迫为添加到团队的每个人创建一个新 ID.这意味着加入的人必须有多个电子邮件地址.如果管理员尝试使用其他公司的 iTunesAccount 上已使用的电子邮件地址将您添加到他们的 iTunesConnect,则会出现错误消息报告该电子邮件地址/Apple ID 已被使用.显然,运行 iTunesConnect 站点的编程团队可以使用来自开发人员站点团队的一些帮助.☹

The problem: in iTunesConnect, not so nice. In iTunesConnect, the "admin" person cannot assign existing Apple IDs as members with a role. Very strange. The admin is forced to create a new ID for each person being adding to the team. That means the person joining must have multiple email address. If an admin tries to add you to their iTunesConnect with an email address already used on some other company's iTunesAccount, an error message reports that email address / Apple ID is already in use. Obviously the programming team running the iTunesConnect site could use some help from the Developer site's team. ☹

sarnold 引用的解决方法涉及电子邮件地址的一个功能.电子邮件服务器规范有一项功能,您可以扩展您的电子邮件地址.您可以通过在电子邮件名称的第一部分附加+"号来添加后缀.加号.据我所知,电子邮件软件首先查找扩展名称.如果没有找到这样的名称,它会删除扩展名并再次查找.如果找到,则实际使用电子邮件地址的较短版本.

The workaround cited by sarnold involves a feature of email addresses. The spec for email servers has a feature where you can extend your email address. You can add a suffix to the first part of your email name by appending a "+" PLUS SIGN. From what I could figure out, the email software first looks for the extended name. If no such name is found, it drops the extension and looks again. If found, the shorter version of the email address is actually used.

因此,如果程序员 Susan 想将她的电子邮件地址 susan@example.com 用于第二个或第三个 iTunesAccount,她会告诉她客户在 Acme Corporation 的管理员使用类似这样的地址作为她的电子邮件地址:susan+acme.com@example.com.Apple 仍会为 Susan 创建一个不必要的额外 Apple ID,但至少 Susan 不必费心创建和访问额外的电子邮件帐户.Apple 发送的电子邮件将到达她的 susan@example.com 地址.

So if the programmer Susan wants to use her email address susan@example.com for a second or third iTunesAccount, she tells her client's admin person at Acme Corporation to use something like this as her email address: susan+acme.com@example.com. Apple will still create a needless extra Apple ID for Susan, but at least Susan does not have to bother with creating and accessing extra email accounts. The emails sent by Apple will arrive at her susan@example.com address.

苏珊在与管理员交谈之前仔细检查了这是否可行.她给自己发送了一封电子邮件到 susan+acme.com@example.com 以确保它到达了 susan@example.com 帐户.

Susan double-checked this would work before talking to the admin person. She sent herself an email to susan+acme.com@example.com to make sure it arrived at the susan@example.com account.

实际上,电子邮件服务器不会被扩展的电子邮件地址所欺骗,但 iTunesConnect 会被欺骗使用旧电子邮件帐户创建新的 Apple ID.

Effectively, the email servers are not fooled by the extended email address, but iTunesConnect is fooled into creating an new Apple ID using an old email account.

这篇关于iTunes Connect 不允许我将自己添加为用户的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 09:59