


I'm using Castle-Windsor as my container in a Caliburn-Micro Silverlight app. My ViewModel objects are reasonably chunky as they call WCF services and a bunch of other stuff. Therefore, when a window is closed I want to call container.Release(viewModel) so Castle can manage the whole decommission/disposal process, respecting the various lifecycles configured (as outlined in this post).


In my AppBootstrapper I have overridden GetInstance as follows:

protected override object GetInstance(Type serviceType, string key)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) return container.Resolve(serviceType);
    return container.Resolve(key, serviceType);

不过,我挣扎着拿出调用干净/优雅的方式 container.Release(视图模型)。目前似乎并没有提供这方面的任何挂钩。

But I am struggling to come up with a clean/elegant way of calling container.Release(viewModel). There don't seem to be any hooks available for this.


What is the simplest way of releasing ViewModel objects returned from ViewModelLocator in a Caliburn Micro app?



The lifecycle you want for each of your VM types is going to have an impact here, so there is not really a right answer for the context you have provided.

屏幕基类的CM提供了受保护的虚拟无效OnDeactivate(布尔接近); 这是一个良好的开端。为了您的重量级的虚拟机,你应该重写此方法,如果虚拟机正在关闭,截至收盘参数指示,释放任何资源,需要进行处置,这将包括配置资源(如 IDisposable的是相关的),并且还断开,以便它可以通过GC进行清理它的任何引用。

The Screen base class of CM provides you with protected virtual void OnDeactivate(bool close); which is a good place to start. For your heavyweight VMs you should override this method, and if the VM is closing indicated by the close parameter, release any resources (WCF channels etc) that need to be disposed of, this would include disposing the resource (if IDisposable is relevant) and also disconnecting any references to it so that it can be cleaned up by the GC.


I don't use Castle so I can't help you in terms of configuring lifecycles etc. But if you follow the above, you aren't going to be holding on to anything heavy weight. I assume that with the correct lifecycle configuration, Castle will clean up any old instances that you aren't going to use again itself without an explicit call to Release.


08-04 08:34