

它是客户端 - 服务器应用程序。客户端是Windows XP SP2 32b,带有两个网卡核心二重奏。 Java 1.6。

Hi I have very ugly problem with: java.net.SocketException: No buffer space available (maximum connections reached?)It is client-server app. Client is Windows XP SP2 32b, with two net cards core duo. Java 1.6.u7.Application have couple server socket open for local communication and couple of client socket for rmi to jboss server.


After couple of hours/days! i am unable to open any new client socket to do communication to server. Server sockets still works.

Windows netstat显示130到150的连接。在~3500连接后手动尝试我耗尽缓冲区时!

Windows netstat shows something from 130 to 150 connection. When manually trying I exhausted buffer after ~3500 connections!


  • 检查我们使用的每个插槽,我们也关闭它。

  • 在后台运行netstat以监控已打开的连接

  • 运行病毒扫描以发现任何恶意软件

  • 将java更新为1.6 u16

  • 禁用第二个网络接口

  • 重启java后,我可以打开新连接。

    I tried:

  • check every socket we use that we also close it.
  • run netstat at background to monitor opened connections
  • run virus scan to found any malware
  • update java to 1.6 u16
  • disable second network interface

  • Once java is restarted I am able to open new connection.


    cause:javax.naming.CommunicationException: Failed to connect to server IP:1099 [Root exception is javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException: Failed to connect to server IP:1099 [Roo
    t exception is java.net.SocketException: No buffer space available (maximum connections reached?): JVM_Bind]]
    2009-08-03 09:13:18,968 DEBUG [Thread-9] - stack trace:
    2009-08-03 09:13:18,968 DEBUG [Thread-9] - org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.checkRef(NamingContext.java:1562)
    2009-08-03 09:13:18,968 DEBUG [Thread-9] - org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:634)
    2009-08-03 09:13:18,968 DEBUG [Thread-9] - org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:627)
    2009-08-03 09:13:18,968 DEBUG [Thread-9] - javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(Unknown Source)

    - 已编辑



    - 再次检查我们使用的每个套接字,如果需要,在一些特殊类中注册它们
    - 为每个打开套接字的类提供SocketFactory和ServerSocketFactory(例如jboss Connectors)

    - 检查打开的文件,最后将它们关闭

    - URL也打开连接,但如果你之后要求流,则连接与流一起关闭(感谢Stephen)。 br>


    - 使用不同的java(1.5,1.6,1.7)

    - 安装新驱动程序

    - 使用netstat并监控后台流量(使用脚本,是的win xp可以很好地完成脚本)。如果需要,使用高级数据包嗅探器(线鲨?)。

    - win xp对并发连接有限制,检查它们(谷歌)

    - 一次又一次地检查病毒和mallware (甚至在私人网络上!)

    What we tried (and successfully) kill the problem.JAVA - check again every socket we used, register them in some special class if needed
    - provide SocketFactory and ServerSocketFactory for every class which open socket itself (for example jboss Connectors)
    - check opened files, close them in finally
    - URL opens connection too, but if you ask for stream after that, connection is closed together with stream (thanks Stephen).

    - use different java (1.5, 1.6, 1.7)
    - install new drivers
    - use netstat and monitor traffic on background (using scripts, yes win xp can do the scripts pretty nicely). Use advanced packet sniffers (wire shark?) if needed.
    - win xp have limit for concurrent connections, check them (google) too
    - check again and again for virus and mallware (even on private network!)


    08-04 06:00