



I have an exam tomorrow in Advanced Development, but I am stuck on the topic of Encryption. I have read up on it at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/246071. However I am still confused.


If a message is encrypted using Asymmetric Encryption, using the public key, how is the decryptor going to know the private key with which to decrypt it? Surely the only way to do this is to make the private key public, but that defeats the object of Asymmetric Encryption.

有人可以以非法的方式解释这个问题, -techie能听懂吗?它唯一的非对称加密我不明白,不是对称加密。感谢提前。

Can someone please explain this in a way that a non-techie would be able to understand it? Its only Asymmetric Encryption I dont understand, not Symmetric Encryption. Thanks in advance.




So to sum up all the answers in the case of a web application (the specific use for which I need to know about this):

  1. 用户访问网站;

  2. 请求用户提供公钥;

  3. 用户创建公钥和私钥对,保留私有的一个私人并将公钥发送回服务器;

  4. 服务器使用公钥加密需要发送给用户的任何东西,并将信息发送给用户; / li>
  5. 用户使用他/她的私钥对服务器的响应进行解密;

  6. 用户执行所需操作,并向服务器发回响应,使用私钥对其进行加密;

  7. 服务器使用公钥进行解密。
    步骤4 - 7可能会持续很多次,或者只能发生一次,或者只能发生一次,或者只能发生4和5。

  1. User visits a website;
  2. User is requested to provide a public key;
  3. User creates public and private key-pair, keep the private one private and sends back the public key to the server;
  4. Server uses the public key to encrypt anything which needs to be sent to the user and sends the information to the user;
  5. User uses his / her private key to decrypt the response from the server;
  6. User does what they need to and sends back a response to the server, using the private key to encrypt it;
  7. Server decrypts using the public key.Steps 4 - 7 may continue many times, or they may only happen once, or only 4 and 5 may occur.

Is this all correct? If so then it should be all I need to know for the exam. I shouldnt think I would need to know any more to get the maximum 40% should a question on this subject come up - will mention the existence of certificates and signatures though.





Well I have just got back from my exam and it went fairly ok I think. But no question on cryptography came up, however... The help was appreciated anyway. Thanks all.





Alice creates her Private Key + Public Key. She keeps her Private Key private. She makes her Public Key public.


Bob takes Alice's Public Key (he should first verify, that it's really Alice's Public Key!), and uses it to encrypt a message, which he sends to Alice.


Alice can decrypt the message using her Private Key.


08-04 04:58