


using the BLE with CoreBluetooth (no iBeacon), is there a way to wake app a not running app when the device receives a bluetooth signal?

我是使用redbearlab的BLE Shield模拟灯塔()。

I'm simulating a beacon with the redbearlab's BLE Shield (http://redbearlab.com/bleshield/).



*更新03/05/14 *

Apple似乎已经推出了iOS 7.1的主要更新:现在iOS会在检测到与您的应用匹配的UUID时为您打开应用程序。该应用程序只需要安装,它不必运行(AppDelegate中的逻辑需要回答唤醒调用)。

It looks like Apple has introduced a major update with iOS 7.1: now iOS will open your app for you if it detects a UUID that matches your app. The app only needs to be installed, it doesn't have to be running (logic in AppDelegate needed to answer the wake-up call).


如果应用程序在后台运行然后关闭(我的意思是终止 - 当你双击主页按钮时,你不再在后台应用程序列表中看到它)由于来自其他应用程序的内存压力,当调用委托时(假设您在.plist中列出了背景模式),iOS将会再次唤醒它。

If the app was running in the background and then closed (I mean here terminated - and you do not see it anymore in the list of background apps when you double click the home button) due to memory pressure from other apps, then the iOS will take care of waking it up again when a delegate is called (assuming you have background modes listed in .plist).


If the app was running in the background and then closed by the user (again I mean here terminated. So the user double clicked to get the list of apps running in the background and then clicked on your app in the background list until it wiggled and then pressed the 'x' next to the app to kill it) then this is a clear indication that the user does not want the app running in the background and the app will not be re-launched. The user has to relaunch the app for its delegates to start functioning again in the background (new in iOS7).

我不确定是否这样在文档中,但它在CoreBluetooth WWDC 2013视频中。我建议你看。他们花了很多关于CoreBluetooth在后台运行的视频。

Update:I am not sure if this is in the documentation but it is in CoreBluetooth WWDC 2013 Video. I recommend you watch it. They spent a good portion of the video on how CoreBluetooth behaves in the background.


08-04 04:18