

我的视图没有导航栏,但我想在状态栏下显示内容.我已经检查了顶部栏下的延伸边缘,在我的视图控制器中的不透明栏下,我想在状态栏下显示的视图对顶部布局指南有 0 个垂直间距约束,但仍然是我得到的:

My view does not have a navigation bar, but I want to display content under status bar. I've checked extend edges under top bars, under opaque bars in my view controller, the view that I want to display under status bar has 0 vertical spacing constraint to top layout guide, but still, here is what I get:

状态栏有 20px 纯白色背景,我不想要.我希望我的视图在状态栏下重叠,就像下面的模型一样:

The status bar has 20px solid white background, which I don't want. I want my view to overlap under status bar, just like the mockup below:


How can I do that, without having a visible navigation bar (I still have it as my view is guaranteed to be inside a navigation controller, but it's will never be visible as I have a lot of custom designed sections including top bars)?



After investigating tens of pages for hours, I've found an answer:

for (NSLayoutConstraint *constraint in self.view.constraints) {
    if((constraint.firstItem == self.topLayoutGuide && constraint.secondItem == self.view) ||
       (constraint.secondItem == self.topLayoutGuide && constraint.firstItem == self.view))         {
        constraint.constant = -20;

对于任何想知道的人,我没有使用特定的答案,而是从这个问题派生的解决方案:iOS7 - 在状态栏下查看 -edgesForExtendedLayout 不工作.

For anyone wondering, I did not use a specific one answer, but a derived solution from this question: iOS7 - View under status bar - edgesForExtendedLayout not working.


08-04 03:43