


Currently I'm having a problem displaying formatted decimals. In my local machine I have a decimal value: 0.002100000000 stored in database.

<h:outputText value="0.002100000000" converter="#{bigDecimal4DigitsConverter}" />

public class BigDecimal4DigitsConverter extends BigDecimalConverter {

    private DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.0000");

    protected DecimalFormat getDecimalFormat() {
        return format;

0.0021 - 美国设置
0,0021 - 法语设置

My problem is on my local machine it displays:0.0021 - US SettingsBut in another server0,0021 - French Settings


Why is that? I thought DecimalFormat, formats a decimal value regardless of locale?


就是它的名字(和javadoc)说,一个纯粹的模式。在此模式中,表示分组分隔符,表示小数分隔符。它就像 MMM 代表(请注意,它不会返回 MMM 格式化时的月份,但就像可能或例如 Mei ,具体取决于区域设置)。

The DecimalFormat pattern is, as its name (and javadoc) says, a pure pattern. In this pattern, the , represents the grouping separator and the . represents the decimal separator. It's exactly like as that MMM represents the abbreviated month in SimpleDateFormat (note that it doesn't return MMM as month during formatting, but just like May or e.g. Mei depending on the locale).

在格式化过程中用作分组分隔符和小数分隔符的实际字符(以及用作缩写月份的实际文本)取决于区域设置,与您观察到的完全一样。这是正确的行为。如果在创建 DecimalFormat (或 SimpleDateFormat )期间未显式指定语言环境,则默认语言环境可用通过。您应该实际指定 UIViewRoot#getLocale(),或者如果您的JSF Web指定了固定的语言环境,例如 Locale.ENGLISH 由于某些不明原因,应用程序未本地化。

The actual character being used as grouping separator and decimal separator (and the actual text being used as abbreviated month) during formatting depends on the locale, exactly as you observed. This is correct behavior. When you don't explicitly specify the locale during creating the DecimalFormat (or SimpleDateFormat), then the default locale as available by Locale#getDefault() will be assumed. You should actually be specifying the UIViewRoot#getLocale() or maybe a fixed locale like Locale.ENGLISH if your JSF web application is not localized for some unclear reason.

请注意 DecimalFormat 是(如 SimpleDateFormat )不是线程安全的(检查javadoc中的同步部分)。您不应该在类/实例范围中创建它,而是在线程局部范围中创建它(即在您需要它的方法块中)。

Please also note that DecimalFormat is (like SimpleDateFormat) not threadsafe (check the "Synchronization" section in the javadoc). You should not be creating it in class/instance scope, but in thread local scope (i.e. in the very same method block as where you need it).

我不知道你正在使用哪个 BigDecimalConverter ,没有 getDecimalFormat()方法,所以我不能给出正确方法的更具体的例子。

I have only no idea which BigDecimalConverter you're using, the standard JSF one doesn't have a getDecimalFormat() method, so I can't give a more concrete example of the proper approach.


08-04 02:51