


Im working on a key inventory database. Something to manage who signs out room keys and when they bring them back in. I've created the tables I plan on using and have started working on the forms. However, I am having trouble getting the forms/subforms to work as desired.


I've created buttons to add/edit/delete/etc the records in the subform which are a result of the tables. I've coded the buttons based on an old project I did in my DB class (someone else did the forms then, I did queries). I can't seem to get them working. So far, I've only coded the buttons for "mainKeys" form so far.


I've noticed the main form shows 1 of 14 records whereas the forms from my old project only showed all records in the subforms.

下面是访问文件: http://jumpshare.com/b/W7AKih

下面是我的旧项目(这是我尝试复制): http://jumpshare.com/b/ r7Y6O1

Here's my old project (this is what im trying to copy): http://jumpshare.com/b/r7Y6O1

这里的$ C $下按钮:

Here's the code for the buttons:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
If Me.keyID.Tag & "" = "" Then
    CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO KEYS(KEY_ID, ROOM, DRAWER)" & _
        " VALUES(" & Me.keyID & ",'" & Me.roomID & "'," & Me.drawerID & ")"
    CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE KEYS " & _
    " SET KEY_ID=" & Me.keyID & _
    ", ROOM='" & Me.roomID & "'" & _
    ", DRAWER='" & Me.drawerID & "'" & _
    " WHERE KEY_ID=" & Me.keyID.Tag
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdBack_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()
If Not (Me.subKey.Form.Recordset.EOF And Me.subKey.Form.Recordset.BOF) Then
    If MsgBox("Confirm Deletion?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
        CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE FROM KEYS" & _
            " WHERE KEY_ID=" & Me.subKey.Form.Recordset.Fields("KEY_ID")
    End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()
If Not (Me.subKey.Form.Recordset.EOF And Me.subKey.Form.Recordset.BOF) Then
        With Me.subKey.Form.Recordset
            Me.keyID = .Fields("KEY_ID")
            Me.roomID = .Fields("ROOM")
            Me.drawerID = .Fields("DRAWER")
            Me.keyID.Tag = .Fields("KEY_ID")
            Me.cmdAdd.Caption = "Update Record"
            Me.cmdEdit.Enabled = False
        End With
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdReset_Click()
    Me.keyID = ""
    Me.roomID = ""
    Me.drawerID = ""

    Me.cmdEdit.Enabled = True
    Me.cmdAdd.Caption = "ADD KEY"
    Me.keyID.Tag = ""
End Sub


From what I can see the Reset & Exit buttons work just fine, the add/delete/update records do not.Also, this is a small project I am working on for an office in my school. If anyone has any recommendations from what they see in the file that would be great.


原因没有的情况是,在你的数据库中的事件行设置为 [嵌入的宏] 而不是 [事件过程] ,因此code您已经张贴永远不会运行。它始终是明智的,当你有问题,看看是否code到达设置断点。

The reason nothing is happening is that the event line in your database is set to [Embedded Macro] rather than [Event Procedure], so the code you have posted is never run. It is always wise to set a breakpoint when you have a problem to see if the code is reached.


After that, to my mind, you are going to far too much trouble in one way and far too little in another. Instead of writing all that insert code when Access will handle an addition to the subform very nicely, write a lot more checking code to make sure the data is in good shape.


08-03 22:43