


I'm investigating data warehouses. And I have an issue about star schemas.


要表示层次结构MONTH-> QUARTER-> YEAR,我们需要一些键,例如:YEAR_ID,QUARTER_ID.但是有些事情我不明白:

To represent the hierarchy MONTH -> QUARTER -> YEAR, we need some keys such as: YEAR_ID, QUARTER_ID. But there are some things that I do not understand:


1) Why do we need field YEAR_DSC & QUARTER_DSC? I think that we can look up these values from YEAR & QUARTER TABLE. And it breaks 2NF.


2) What is the normal form that a schema in data warehouse needs to satisfy? (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, or any.)



NFs (normal forms) don't matter for data warehouse base tables.


We normalize to reduce certain kinds of redundancy so that when we update a database we don't have to say the same thing in multiple places and so that we can't accidentally erroneously not say the same thing where it would need to be said in multiple places. That is not a problem in query results because we are not updating them. The same is true for a data warehouse's base tables. (Which are also just queries on its original database's base tables.)

数据仓库通常针对读取速度进行了优化,与原始数据库相比,这通常意味着一定程度的非规范化,从而避免了重新计算,而浪费了空间.(请注意,尽管有时重新读取较大的内容可能比读取较小的部分并重新计算较大的内容要慢.)我们可能不希望在移动到数据仓库时 drop 归一化表,因为它们回答很简单查询,我们不想通过重新计算它们来减慢速度.除了那些权衡之外,没有理由 not 进行非规范化.某些特殊的仓库设计方法可能对哪些零件应规格化多少金额有其自己的规则.

Data warehouses are usually optimized for reading speed, and that usually means some denormalization compared to the original database to avoid recomputation at the expense of space. (Notice though that sometimes rereading something bigger can be slower than reading smaller parts and recomputing the big thing.) We probably don't want to drop normalized tables when moving to a data warehouse, because they answer simple queries and we don't want to slow down by recomputing them. Other than those tradeoffs, there's no reason not to denormalize. Some particular warehouse design methods might have their own rules about what parts should be denormalized what amounts.


(Whatever our original database design NF is chosen to be, we should always first normalize to 5NF then consciously denormalize. We don't need to normalize or know constraints to update or query a database.)


Read some textbook basics on why we normalize & why we use data warehouses.


08-03 22:15