


Is the size of a pointer the same as the size as the type its pointing to, or do pointers always have a fixed size? For example...

int x = 10;
int * xPtr = &x;
char y = 'a';
char * yPtr = &y;

std::cout << sizeof(x) << "\n";
std::cout << sizeof(xPtr) << "\n";
std::cout << sizeof(y) << "\n";
std::cout << sizeof(yPtr) << "\n";

这将是什么输出? sizeof(xPtr)返回4,sizeof(yPtr)返回1,还是2个指针实际上返回相同的大小?我之所以这样问,是因为指针存储的是内存地址,而不是它们各自存储的地址的值.

What would the output of this be? Would sizeof(xPtr) return 4 and sizeof(yPtr) return 1, or would the 2 pointers actually return the same size? The reason I ask this is because the pointers are storing a memory address and not the values of their respective stored addresses.



Pointers generally have a fixed size, for ex. on a 32-bit executable they're usually 32-bit. There are some exceptions, like on old 16-bit windows when you had to distinguish between 32-bit pointers and 16-bit... It's usually pretty safe to assume they're going to be uniform within a given executable on modern desktop OS's.


Even so, I would strongly caution against making this assumption in your code. If you're going to write something that absolutely has to have a pointers of a certain size, you'd better check it!

函数指针是另一回事-有关详细信息,请参见 Jens的答案.

Function pointers are a different story -- see Jens' answer for more info.


08-03 21:12