我最近将Firebase性能添加到了我的android应用中,并且已经有2天了,我在Firebase控制台上看不到任何更新.我能够看到崩溃,控制台上的分析和日志猫.我还在log cat中看到了Firebase性能自定义跟踪,但是在控制台上看不到这些更新.有什么我想念的吗?
I have recently added firebase performance to my android app and its been 2 days I don't see any updates on firebase console. I am able to see crash, analytics on console and log cat. I also see firebase performance custom traces in log cat, however I can't see those updated on console.Is there anything that I am missing?
Below are the logs from the log cat:
You should be able to see new data within about 12 hours. Please double check that the time range selected on the console covers the range when you expect the data to appear. Also check if you have pulled in latest SDK.
如果仍然看不到数据,则应该联系Firebase支持 firebase.google.com/support/contact/疑难解答,其中包含应用程序的程序包名称,时间和预期数据的类型.
If you still do not see your data, you should reach out to Firebase support firebase.google.com/support/contact/troubleshooting with application's package name and time and type of expected data.