Over time our Android project has expanded a great deal, and these days we are creating multiple branded APKs from the same source tree. This has become challenging due to the package naming requirements of Android.
我们有我们所有的共享code在Android库项目,其中包括在主要应用项目。此外,我们有Android的库'覆盖'为获得适用于每个品牌的品牌资源。当我们想打造一个品牌,我们包括该品牌最终包括C的Android库的主共享$ C $之前的'叠加'的Android库的一些额外的属性。为了说明:
We have all of our shared code in an Android Library project, which is included in the main application project. Plus we have Android library 'overlays' for branded resources that get applied for each brand. When we want to build a brand, we include a few extra properties for that brand that end up including the 'overlay' Android libraries before the main shared code Android Library. To illustrate:
Include: BrandALibrary or BrandBLibrary
Include: SharedLibrary
-> src/..
-> res/..
-> res/..
-> res/..
The 'BrandALibrary or BrandBLibrary' is switched at build time, by including .properties files at build time using command-line switches. Nothing too fancy there. The build script also must change the package name of the .APK at build time so that the two .APK files can coexist on a given device at the same time (mostly for QA purposes, since we don't expect customers to have both at the same time... though they could).
Everything was working very well until our build broke today after adding a class to our shared code library project. In looking around for a reason why this is ocurring I stumbled upon the following web page, where the fellow had encountered the same issue and had fixed his version of aapt to make this work:
在我们的构建,下面的错误psented在日志中$ P $:
During our build, the following errors are presented in the logs:
[echo] ----------
[echo] Handling aidl files...
[aidl] No aidl files to compile.
[echo] ----------
[echo] Handling RenderScript files...
[renderscript] No renderscript files to compile.
[echo] ----------
[echo] Handling Resources...
[aapt] Found Deleted Target File
[aapt] Generating resource IDs...
[aapt] E:\CSI\Neal\trunk\Clients\Android\MyAppSharedLib\res\layout\fancy_layout.xml:22: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'state_add' in package 'com.myapp'
[aapt] E:\CSI\Neal\trunk\Clients\Android\MyAppSharedLib\res\layout\fancy_layout.xml:22: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'state_list' in package 'com.myapp'
[aapt] E:\CSI\Neal\trunk\Clients\Android\MyAppSharedLib\res\drawable\fancy_button_selector.xml:4: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'state_add' in package 'com.myapp'
[aapt] E:\CSI\Neal\trunk\Clients\Android\MyAppSharedLib\res\drawable\fancy_button_selector.xml:4: error: No resource
identifier found for attribute 'state_list' in package 'com.myapp'
[aapt] E:\CSI\Neal\trunk\Clients\Android\MyAppSharedLib\res\drawable\fancy_button_selector.xml:5: error: No resource
identifier found for attribute 'state_add' in package 'com.myapp'
[aapt] E:\CSI\Neal\trunk\Clients\Android\MyAppSharedLib\res\drawable\fancy_button_selector_button_selector.xml:5: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'state_list' in package 'com.myapp'
C:\android-sdk\tools\ant\build.xml:539: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\android-sdk\tools\ant\build.xml:568: null returned: 1
My custom attributes are nothing spectacular, I've got a state_add, and state_list defined that I can use to set the default states for a control that shows a button with an icon that indicates which states should be shown. It's like a 'toggle' button in a way, and I might end up replacing this control with a toggle button instead.
I followed this tutorial when I created this button.
My question is, finally (this guy is long winded isn't he?), is there a way to ensure that aapt will 'remap' the package names used in custom attributes. If I even want to write more custom controls into our library, we will need appt to be able to do the following:
- 如果自定义命名空间是在库项目中定义,重新映射该命名空间为正在建造的Android应用程序的命名空间。
Am I missing something fundamental with the way custom attributes are mapped during an Ant build? Is there something simple I can do to fix my build issues?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
xmlns:custom="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" >