我正在使用expo创建一个react native应用程序,并且在标题中创建了一个下拉列表.在iOS上,下拉菜单可以根据需要进行工作,并且位于主要内容上方,而在Android上,其内容会被裁剪或位于下方.我不确定现实中的iOS是不是很奇怪,还是Android.
I am creating a react native app using expo, and I am creating a dropdown in the header. On iOS the dropdown works as desired, and goes 'above' the main content, while on Android it is clipped or goes 'under'. I am not sure if in reality iOS is acting strange, or Android is.
The header is a custom headerTitle component, which holds the custom dropdown component (a view, which holds the dropdown items (Views with text and icons)
我正在寻找解决这个问题的方法,并且尝试了zIndex和绝对定位(我读过的内容甚至无法在android上运行,但我想我会尝试),但并没有解决(并导致了其他问题) ).
I am looking to get around this issue, and I have tried zIndex and absolute positioning (which I have read does not even work on android, but thought I would try), and that did not fix it (and caused other issues).
Any tips, tricks, and better understanding of why this happens on iOS and Android would be greatly appreciated. I can post code if necessary as well.
React Native在Android上不支持overflow: 'visible'
React Native does not support overflow: 'visible'
on Android.
可以在这里查看一个很好的示例: https://github.com/brentvatne/growler-prowler/blob/0eebfaae641a088b1a1fd7ffe552deeac914bffe/screens/BreweryListScreen.js#L70-L76
A good example to look at for this is here: https://github.com/brentvatne/growler-prowler/blob/0eebfaae641a088b1a1fd7ffe552deeac914bffe/screens/BreweryListScreen.js#L70-L76
The key here is to render the menu component inside of a modal (in this case I'm using react-native-root-modal) in order to have it appear on top of the header.
这篇关于反应原生Android Clipping子级的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!