

我从表单中获取一些数据作为数组.每个 $_POST 值本身就是一个数组:

I get some data from a form as arrays. Each $_POST value is an array itself:

//Example snippet from my code; I have some more data/arrays
$department_name = ($_POST[department_name]);
$participant_name = ($_POST[participant_name]);
$activity = ($_POST[activity]);
$location = ($_POST[location]);

现在我知道我可以使用 foreach 循环来遍历这些数组中的每一个并将值一个一个地插入到我的数据库中:

Now I know that I could use a foreach loop to loop over each of these arrays and insert the values one by one into my database:

foreach($department_name as $department) {
    $query  = "INSERT INTO location_info (`department`) VALUES ('{$department}')";
    $result = mysqli_query($connection, $query);

这似乎是我所有 35 个 POST 变量的大量代码以及服务器的大量工作.更重要的是,我将如何对齐"每条数据?由于循环,它会在每次迭代时在数据库内创建一个新行,并为所有其他列保留空白字段.

This seems like a lot of code for all my 35 POST variables as well as a lot of work for the server. More importantly how would I go about to "align" each piece of data? Because of the loop it would create a new row inside the database each iteration and leave blank fields for all other columns.


So I searched how I could loop through multiple arrays at once and found this solution:


    $ZZ = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd');
    $KK = array('1', '2', '3', '4');

    foreach($ZZ as $index => $value) {
        echo $ZZ[$index] . $KK[$index];
        echo "<br/>";



But I don't really understand how this works and how I can apply this to my code?


Basically as an example I have multiple arrays like:

$department_name = array("A", "B", "C");
$participant_name = array(1, 2, 3);


And I need to insert them into my database like this:

INSERT INTO location_info (`department`, `participant`) VALUES ('A', 1);
INSERT INTO location_info (`department`, `participant`) VALUES ('B', 2);
INSERT INTO location_info (`department`, `participant`) VALUES ('C', 3);

所以我想我必须使用 foreach 循环并一次循环遍历所有数组以逐行插入数据,但我看不到如何将上面找到的代码应用于我的代码?

So I think I have to use a foreach loop and loop over all arrays at once to insert the data row by row, but I fail to see how I can apply the code I found above to my code?

经过一些有用的评论后,我切换到 PDO 并取得了一些进展.

After some helpful comments I switched to PDO and made some progress.


My current code looks like the following.



    try {
        $dsn = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=assessment';
        $db = new PDO($dsn,  'xxx', 'xxx');
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $error = $e->getMessage();



try {

    $sql = "INSERT INTO location_info (`department`, `participant`, `activity`, `location`, `rec_injuries`, `rec_injuries_timeframe`, `non_rec_injuries`, `non_rec_injuries_timeframe`, `competitor`, `cost_per_pair`, `usage_rate`, `leakage`, `cost_of_productivity`, `non_rec_impact`, `non_rec_sprain`, `non_rec_puncture`, `non_rec_dermatitis`, `non_rec_infection`, `non_rec_burns`, `non_rec_cuts`, `rec_impact`, `rec_sprain`, `rec_puncture`, `rec_dermatitis`, `rec_infection`, `rec_burns`, `rec_cuts`, `condition`, `general_id`)
        VALUES (:department, :participant, :activity, :location, :rec_injuries, :rec_injuries_timeframe, :non_rec_injuries_timeframe, :competitor, :cost_per_pair, :usage_rate, :leakage, :cost_of_productivity,:non_rec_impact, :non_rec_sprain, :non_rec_puncture, :non_rec_dermatitis, :non_rec_infection, :non_rec_burns, :non_rec_cuts, :rec_impact, :rec_sprain, :rec_puncture, :rec_dermatitis, :rec_infection, :rec_burns, :rec_cuts, :condition, :general_id)";

    $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);

for($i = 0, $l = count($_POST["department_name"]); $i < $l; $i++) {

  $loc_info = array(':department' => $_POST["department_name"][$i],
                    ':participant' => $_POST["participant_name"][$i],
                    ':activity' => $_POST["activity"][$i],
                    ':location' => $_POST["location"][$i],
                    ':rec_injuries' => $_POST["injuries"][$i],
                    ':rec_injuries_timeframe' => $_POST["injury_time_frame"][$i],
                    ':non_rec_injuries' => $_POST["non_rec_injuries"][$i],
                    ':non_rec_injuries_timeframe' => $_POST["non_rec_injury_timeframe"][$i],
                    ':competitor' => $_POST["competitor"][$i],
                    ':cost_per_pair' => $_POST["cost_per_pair"][$i],
                    ':usage_rate' => $_POST["usage_rate"][$i],
                    ':leakage' => $_POST["leakage"][$i],
                    ':cost_of_productivity' => $_POST["cost_of_productivity"][$i],
                    ':non_rec_impact' => $_POST["non_rec_impact"][$i],
                    ':non_rec_sprain' => $_POST["non_rec_sprain"][$i],
                    ':non_rec_puncture' => $_POST["non_rec_puncture"][$i],
                    ':non_rec_dermatitis' => $_POST["non_rec_dermatitis"][$i],
                    ':non_rec_infection' => $_POST["non_rec_infection"][$i],
                    ':non_rec_burns' => $_POST["non_rec_burns"][$i],
                    ':non_rec_cuts' => $_POST["non_rec_cuts"][$i],
                    ':rec_impact' => $_POST["impact"][$i],
                    ':rec_sprain' => $_POST["sprain"][$i],
                    ':rec_puncture' => $_POST["puncture"][$i],
                    ':rec_dermatitis' => $_POST["dermatitis"][$i],
                    ':rec_infection' => $_POST["infection"][$i],
                    ':rec_burns' => $_POST["burns"][$i],
                    ':rec_cuts' => $_POST["cuts"][$i],
                    ':condition' => $_POST["condition"][$i],
                    ':general_id' => $_POST["id"][$i]


} catch (Exception $e) {
    $error = $e->getMessage();



Thoughts? Can I not put an array inside an array?


经过几次尝试和错误以及@Rizier123 的一些帮助后,好的,这里是答案:

Ok after a few trial and errors and some help from @Rizier123, here is the answer:



For clarity sake, I was trying to figure out how add several arrays of data to my db. So on dynamic form page, I have inputs similar to:

<p>Location: <input type='text' name='location[]'  > </p>


首先,我从 mysqli 切换到 PDO,然后我用以下代码运行:

First, I switched from mysqli to PDO, then I ran with the following code:

try {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO location_info (`department`, `participant`, `activity`, `location`, `rec_injuries`, `rec_injuries_timeframe`, `non_rec_injuries`, `non_rec_injuries_timeframe`, `competitor`, `cost_per_pair`, `usage_rate`, `leakage`, `cost_of_productivity`, `non_rec_impact`, `non_rec_sprain`, `non_rec_puncture`, `non_rec_dermatitis`, `non_rec_infection`, `non_rec_burns`, `non_rec_cuts`, `rec_impact`, `rec_sprain`, `rec_puncture`, `rec_dermatitis`, `rec_infection`, `rec_burns`, `rec_cuts`, `condition`, `general_id`)
        VALUES (:department, :participant, :activity, :location, :rec_injuries, :rec_injuries_timeframe, :non_rec_injuries, :non_rec_injuries_timeframe, :competitor, :cost_per_pair, :usage_rate, :leakage, :cost_of_productivity,:non_rec_impact, :non_rec_sprain, :non_rec_puncture, :non_rec_dermatitis, :non_rec_infection, :non_rec_burns, :non_rec_cuts, :rec_impact, :rec_sprain, :rec_puncture, :rec_dermatitis, :rec_infection, :rec_burns, :rec_cuts, :condition, '{$id}')";

        $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);

for($i = 0, $l = count($_POST["department_name"]); $i < $l; $i++) {

    $loc_info = array(':department' => $_POST["department_name"][$i],
                        ':participant' => $_POST["participant_name"][$i],
                        ':activity' => $_POST["activity"][$i],
                        ':location' => $_POST["location"][$i],
                        ':rec_injuries' => $_POST["injuries"][$i],
                        ':rec_injuries_timeframe' => $_POST["injury_time_frame"][$i],
                        ':non_rec_injuries' => $_POST["non_rec_injuries"][$i],
                        ':non_rec_injuries_timeframe' => $_POST["non_rec_injury_timeframe"][$i],
                        ':competitor' => $_POST["competitor"][$i],
                        ':cost_per_pair' => $_POST["cost_per_pair"][$i],
                        ':usage_rate' => $_POST["usage_rate"][$i],
                        ':leakage' => $_POST["leakage"][$i],
                        ':cost_of_productivity' => $_POST["cost_of_productivity"][$i],
                        ':non_rec_impact' => $_POST["non_rec_impact"][$i],
                        ':non_rec_sprain' => $_POST["non_rec_sprain"][$i],
                        ':non_rec_puncture' => $_POST["non_rec_puncture"][$i],
                        ':non_rec_dermatitis' => $_POST["non_rec_dermatitis"][$i],
                        ':non_rec_infection' => $_POST["non_rec_infection"][$i],
                        ':non_rec_burns' => $_POST["non_rec_burns"][$i],
                        ':non_rec_cuts' => $_POST["non_rec_cuts"][$i],
                        ':rec_impact' => $_POST["impact"][$i],
                        ':rec_sprain' => $_POST["sprain"][$i],
                        ':rec_puncture' => $_POST["puncture"][$i],
                        ':rec_dermatitis' => $_POST["dermatitis"][$i],
                        ':rec_infection' => $_POST["infection"][$i],
                        ':rec_burns' => $_POST["burns"][$i],
                        ':rec_cuts' => $_POST["cuts"][$i],
                        ':condition' => $_POST["condition"][$i] );



07-23 03:16