I am using Subsonic so mp3 files are served to me via a webservice.When I test using files that have a .mp3 extension this code works. When I use it with the link I have below it does not.
var player: AVPlayer!
override func viewDidLoad() {
let url = URL(string: "")!
let playerItem = CachingPlayerItem(url: url)
playerItem.delegate = self
player = AVPlayer(playerItem: playerItem)
player.automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling = false
Browsing the link in 'url' provides me with the file I'd expect. I have also successfully downloaded the file saved it as MP3 and played it from my documents container, this is not how I want the application to work though.
TL:DR 如何使我的应用程序从没有扩展名的rest API播放音频
TL:DR how can I get my application to play audio from a rest API without an extension
您可以使用 AVAssetResourceLoader 播放不带扩展名的音频.
You can use AVAssetResourceLoader to play audio without extension.
var playerAsset: AVAsset!
if fileURL.pathExtension.count == 0 {
var components = URLComponents(url: fileURL, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false)!
components.scheme = "fake" // make custom URL scheme
components.path += ".mp3"
playerAsset = AVURLAsset(url: components.url!)
(playerAsset as! AVURLAsset).resourceLoader.setDelegate(self, queue: DispatchQueue.global())
} else {
playerAsset = AVAsset(url: fileURL)
let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: playerAsset)
then, read audio's data and responds to the resource loader
// MARK: - AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate methods
func resourceLoader(_ resourceLoader: AVAssetResourceLoader, shouldWaitForLoadingOfRequestedResource loadingRequest: AVAssetResourceLoadingRequest) -> Bool {
if let url = loadingRequest.request.url {
var components = URLComponents(url: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false)!
components.scheme = NSURLFileScheme // replace with the real URL scheme
components.path = String(components.path.dropLast(4))
if let attributes = try? FileManager.default.attributesOfItem(atPath: components.url!.path),
let fileSize = attributes[FileAttributeKey.size] as? Int64 {
loadingRequest.contentInformationRequest?.isByteRangeAccessSupported = true
loadingRequest.contentInformationRequest?.contentType = "audio/mpeg3"
loadingRequest.contentInformationRequest?.contentLength = fileSize
let requestedOffset = loadingRequest.dataRequest!.requestedOffset
let requestedLength = loadingRequest.dataRequest!.requestedLength
if let handle = try? FileHandle(forReadingFrom: components.url!) {
handle.seek(toFileOffset: UInt64(requestedOffset))
let data = handle.readData(ofLength: requestedLength)
loadingRequest.dataRequest?.respond(with: data)
return true
} else {
return false
} else {
return false
} else {
return false