

我想要完成的是将一列拆分为多列.我希望第一列包含F",第二列US",第三列CA6"或DL",第四列包含Z13"或U13"等.我的整个 df 遵循相同的模式X.XX.XXXX.XXX 或 X.XX.XXX.XXX 或 X.XX.XX.XXX 我知道第三列是我的问题所在,因为长度不同.我过去只使用过 substr,我可以在这里使用一些 if 语句,但想学习如何使用 stringr 包和 POSIX 来做到这一点(除非有更好的选择).提前致谢.

What I am trying to accomplish is splitting a column into multiple columns. I would prefer the first column to contain "F", second column "US", third "CA6" or "DL", and the fourth to be "Z13" or "U13" etc etc. My entire df follows the same pattern of X.XX.XXXX.XXX or X.XX.XXX.XXX or X.XX.XX.XXX and I know the third column is where my problem lies because of the different lengths. I have only used substr in the past and I could use that here with some if statements but would like to learn how to use stringr package and POSIX to do this (unless there is a better option). Thank you in advance.

这是我的 df:

c("F.US.CLE.V13", "F.US.CA6.U13", "F.US.CA6.U13", "F.US.CA6.U13",
"F.US.CA6.U13", "F.US.CA6.U13", "F.US.CA6.U13", "F.US.CA6.U13",
"F.US.DL.U13", "F.US.DL.U13", "F.US.DL.U13", "F.US.DL.Z13", "F.US.DL.Z13"


一个非常直接的方法是在你的字符向量上使用 read.table :

A very direct way is to just use read.table on your character vector:

> read.table(text = text, sep = ".", colClasses = "character")
   V1 V2  V3  V4
1   F US CLE V13
2   F US CA6 U13
3   F US CA6 U13
4   F US CA6 U13
5   F US CA6 U13
6   F US CA6 U13
7   F US CA6 U13
8   F US CA6 U13
9   F US  DL U13
10  F US  DL U13
11  F US  DL U13
12  F US  DL Z13
13  F US  DL Z13

colClasses 需要指定,否则 F 将转换为 FALSE(这是我需要在splitstackshape"中修复的东西,否则我会建议:) )

colClasses needs to be specified, otherwise F gets converted to FALSE (which is something I need to fix in "splitstackshape", otherwise I would have recommended that :) )


Alternatively, you can use my cSplit function, like this:

cSplit(as.data.table(text), "text", ".")
#     text_1 text_2 text_3 text_4
#  1:      F     US    CLE    V13
#  2:      F     US    CA6    U13
#  3:      F     US    CA6    U13
#  4:      F     US    CA6    U13
#  5:      F     US    CA6    U13
#  6:      F     US    CA6    U13
#  7:      F     US    CA6    U13
#  8:      F     US    CA6    U13
#  9:      F     US     DL    U13
# 10:      F     US     DL    U13
# 11:      F     US     DL    U13
# 12:      F     US     DL    Z13
# 13:      F     US     DL    Z13


Or, separate from "tidyr", like this:


as.data.frame(text) %>% separate(text, into = paste("V", 1:4, sep = "_"))
#    V_1 V_2 V_3 V_4
# 1    F  US CLE V13
# 2    F  US CA6 U13
# 3    F  US CA6 U13
# 4    F  US CA6 U13
# 5    F  US CA6 U13
# 6    F  US CA6 U13
# 7    F  US CA6 U13
# 8    F  US CA6 U13
# 9    F  US  DL U13
# 10   F  US  DL U13
# 11   F  US  DL U13
# 12   F  US  DL Z13
# 13   F  US  DL Z13


07-22 12:05