似乎没有官方的 YouTube API 来查找 YouTube 网络列表或给定网络的一部分.任何想法如何找到该信息?
Looks like there is no official YouTube API to find list of YouTube networks or what channels are part of a given network. Any ideas how to find that information?
如果没有直接的方法,socialblade.com 使用什么算法来获取近似列表?
If there is no direct method, what algorithm does socialblade.com use get approximate listings?
我不知道这是否是诸如 socialblade 或 channelmeter 之类的网站获取网络频道的方式.但我就是这样做的.
I don't know if this is the way sites such as socialblade or channelmeter get the networked channels. But this is the way i did it.
Say i visit this video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8AZT40gH5E
In the meta tags information of a networked channel, there is an attribute
<meta name=attribution content=JamieOliver/>
(As example) which actually specifies the network that channel belongs to. So what i did was one video from the channel i'm working with, and use a small function like this:
$tags = get_meta_tags("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8AZT40gH5E");
echo $network = $tags['attribution'];
And you have the Network the channel is associated with.
这篇关于如何以编程方式找出哪些频道是给定 YouTube 网络的一部分?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!