本文介绍了"&的packageName QUOT;与GHC.Generics的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



  class Named a where 
nameOf: :a - > (String,String,String) - (Package,Module,Identifier)
default nameOf ::(Generic a,Named'(Rep a))=> a - > (String,String,String)
nameOf = nameOf'。从


 >>>数据D = C 
>>> nameOf C

但我可以使用 GHC.Generics 获取数据类型的包:

  class Named 'f where nameOf':: fa  - > (String,String,String)
instance(Datatype t)=>命名'(M1 D tf)其中nameOf'd =(,moduleName d,datatypeName d)



 >>> import Data.Typeable 
>>> :set -XDeriveDataTypeable
>>>让nameOf =(\ t - >(tyConPackage t,tyConModule t,tyConName t))。 typeRepTyCon。 typeRep
>>>数据D = C导出可键入
>>> nameOf(Proxy :: Proxy D)

我可以这样做。但我很好奇 GHC.Generics



I have a class that provides a globally unique identifier for types:

class Named a where
 nameOf :: a -> (String,String,String) -- (Package, Module, Identifier)
 default nameOf :: (Generic a, Named' (Rep a)) => a -> (String,String,String)
 nameOf = nameOf' . from

which almost works:

>>> data D = C
>>> instance Named D
>>> nameOf C

but I can't get the datatype's package with GHC.Generics:

class Named' f where  nameOf' :: f a -> (String,String,String)
instance (Datatype t) => Named' (M1 D t f) where nameOf' d = ("", moduleName d, datatypeName d)

Can I? The GUI's not really "globally" unique without the package.

btw, I know that with Data.Typeable I can write:

>>> import Data.Typeable
>>> :set -XDeriveDataTypeable
>>> let nameOf = (\t -> (tyConPackage t, tyConModule t, tyConName t)) . typeRepTyCon . typeRep
>>> data D = C deriving Typeable
>>> nameOf (Proxy :: Proxy D)
("interactive" "Ghci3" "D")

Which is what I may do. But I'm curious about GHC.Generics.


So far it's impossible to get package name using Generics. There is a GHC feature request -ticket now. It was straightforward to implement, but let's see when the patch lands release version.

这篇关于"&的packageName QUOT;与GHC.Generics的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-31 15:14