I'm using R's sink() function to capture errors, warnings, messages and console output into a single text file.
I'm wondering if simultaneously sinking both message and output types to a single open file is bad to do?
I capture all of the above into a single file, but I must open a file handle to allow both sink types to be captured. The following code illustrates using the file handle approach:
message_filename = 'script_messages.txt'
try(message_file <- file(message_filename, open="at")) # open file for appending in text mode
sink(message_file, type="message")
sink(message_file, type="output")
message(format(Sys.time(), "%a %b %d %Y %X TZ(%z)"), appendLF = TRUE)
# next line produces messages since file doesn't exist
try(source("import_file.R"), silent = TRUE)
# Save and close writing errors, warnings, messages, and console output to a file
If I don't open a file handle, then the sink 'output' type messages are the only ones captured in the text file.
The documentation on sink {base} has some key info in the first half of the Details section, but I'm not fluent enough to be sure I've implemented it properly.
我相信这与警告的全局选项有关。默认值为 warn = 0
,这表示为止。换句话说,当您 source( script.R)
时,R会存储警告并在脚本完成后(即运行 sink(type = output);下沉(类型=消息);关闭(邮件文件)
I believe it's to do with the global option for warn. The default is warn=0
which means "warnings are stored until the top–level function returns". In other words, when you source("script.R")
, R stores up the warnings and prints them once your script has finished, i.e. after you've run sink(type="output"); sink(type="message"); close(message_file)
要更改此设置,可以先调用 options(warn = 1)
To change this you can call options(warn=1)
before you source your script, this will print warnings as they occur and will therefore be caught by your sink. This only needs to be run once per session.
这篇关于R sink()消息并输出到同一文件-完整性检查的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!