具有类似数组的等效查询将变为:var snap = await Firestore.instance .collection('user_posts') .where("confirmations", arrayContains: user.id) .getDocuments();这样,您只需要在confirmations上的索引,该索引就会自动添加.有关这些的更多信息,请参见: 博客文章,介绍了这些操作 有关更新数组的文档 有关数组成员资格查询的文档When a new activity is posted i add a new post document into the collection.Inside this document i have a map where users add confirmation to the event marking it as true and adding his own id.var snap = await Firestore.instance .collection('user_posts') .where("confirmations.${user.id}",isEqualTo: true) .getDocuments();With this snippet i'm able to get all the posts confirmed by the user. The issue here is to get this a index is required to perform this query. And this index can't be generic. I can't create a index for each user.Some idea of how to get it?Thanks!! 解决方案 You'll want to turn the confirmations field into an array, and use the (relatively recent) array-contains and arrayUnion operations.The equivalent query with an array like that would become:var snap = await Firestore.instance .collection('user_posts') .where("confirmations", arrayContains: user.id) .getDocuments();And this way you only need an index on confirmations, which is added automatically.For more on these see:the blog post introducing these operationsthe documentation on updating arraysthe documentation on array membership queries 这篇关于Flutter Firestore where子句使用地图的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!