

Firestore会向我收取对本地缓存的数据的读取查询的费用,这对我来说似乎很奇怪,但是在 Firestore定价文件.如果我强制Firebase进入脱机模式,然后对本地缓存的数据执行读取操作,我是否仍要为检索到的每个单独实体收费?

It seems odd to me that Firestore would charge me for read queries to locally cached data, but I can't find any clarification to the contrary in the Firestore Pricing document. If I force Firebase into offline mode and then perform reads on my locally cached data, am I still charged for each individual entity that I retrieve?


Second, offline users in my app write many small updates to a single entity. I want the changes to persist locally each time (in case they quit the app), but I only need eventually consistent saves to the cloud. When a user reconnects to the internet and Firestore flushes the local changes, will I be charged a single write request for the entity or one per update call that I made while offline?


Firestore could potentially fit my use case very well, but if offline reads and writes are charged at the same rate as online ones it would not be an affordable option.




So, every client that is using a Firestore database and sets PersistenceEnabled to true, maintains it's own internal (local) version of the database. When data is inserted/updated, it is first written to this local version of the database. As a result, all writes to the database are added to a queue. This means that all the operations that where stored there will be commited on Firebase servers once you are back online. This also means that those operations will be seen as independent operations and not as a whole.


But remeber, don't use Firestore as an offline-only database. It is really designed as an online database that came work for short to intermediate periods of being disconnected. While offline it will keep queue of write operations. As this queue grows, local operations and app startup will slow down. Nothing major, but over time these may add up.

如果Google Cloud Firestore定价模型不太适合您的用例,请使用Firebase Realtime Database.也如来自Firebase的帖子所述官方博客,您仍然想使用实时数据库的原因之一是:

If Google Cloud Firestore priceing model does not fit your use case very well then use Firebase Realtime Database. As mentioned also in this post from the Firebase offical blog, one the reasons you still might want to use the Realtime Database is:


So it's up to you which option you choose.


08-22 18:41