

我想知道命令 source 做什么.我已经尝试过:

I would like to know what does the command source do. I have tried:

  • 什么
$ whatis source
source: nothing appropriate.

  • man
  • $ man source
    No manual entry for source

    • 来源(-h,-help等...)
    • $ source
      source: not enough arguments


      But it seems no documentation about it.


      I commonly use it to save any changed on my dotfiles, but what does it exactly do? Why there is not documentation about it?


      是bash shell内置命令,该命令执行作为参数传递的文件的内容, 在当前shell中 .它在.(句号)中有一个同义词.

      source is a bash shell built-in command that executes the content of the file passed as an argument, in the current shell. It has a synonym in . (period).

      . filename [arguments]
      source filename [arguments]


      source filename [arguments]
          Read and execute commands from filename in the current shell environment and
          return the exit status of the last command executed from filename. If
          filename does not contain a slash, file names in PATH are used to find the
          directory containing filename. The file searched for in PATH need not be
          executable. When bash is not in posix mode, the current directory is
          searched if no file is found in PATH. If the sourcepath option to the short
          builtin command is turned off, the PATH is not searched. If any arguments
          are supplied, they become the positional parameters when filename is
          executed. Otherwise the positional parameters are unchanged. The return
          status is the status of the last command exited within the script (0 if no
          commands are executed), and false if filename is not found or cannot be

      小心! ./ source 不太相同.

      • ./script 将脚本作为可执行文件运行,启动新shell 来运行
      • 源脚本当前shell 环境中从文件名读取并执行命令
      • ./script runs the script as an executable file, launching a new shell to run it
      • source script reads and executes commands from filename in the current shell environment

      注意: ./script 不是.脚本,但.脚本 == 源脚本

      Note: ./script is not . script, but . script == source script



07-23 12:05