

我们都知道如何使用<按Ctrl> -R 来扭转通过历史记录搜索,但你是否知道,您可以使用<按Ctrl&GT ; -S 转发搜索,如果你设置的stty停止,?另外,你有没有尝试过运行绑定-p以查看所有快捷键的上市?有超过455在Mac OS X默认情况下。

We all know how to use <ctrl>-R to reverse search through history, but did you know you can use <ctrl>-S to forward search if you set stty stop ""? Also, have you ever tried running bind -p to see all of your keyboard shortcuts listed? There are over 455 on Mac OS X by default.


What is your single most favorite obscure trick, keyboard shortcut or shopt configuration using bash?



When running commands, sometimes I'll want to run a command with the previous ones arguments. To do that, you can use this shortcut:

$ mkdir /tmp/new
$ cd !!:*


Occasionally, in lieu of using find, I'll break-out a one-line loop if I need to run a bunch of commands on a list of files.

for file in *.wav; do lame "$file" "$(basename "$file" .wav).mp3" ; done;

在我的.bash_login文件配置命令行历史记录选项(或.bashrc)中是非常有用的。以下是我在我的MacBook Pro使用设置的干部。

Configuring the command-line history options in my .bash_login (or .bashrc) is really useful. The following is a cadre of settings that I use on my Macbook Pro.


Setting the following makes bash erase duplicate commands in your history:

export HISTCONTROL="erasedups:ignoreboth"


I also jack my history size up pretty high too. Why not? It doesn't seem to slow anything down on today's microprocessors.

export HISTFILESIZE=500000
export HISTSIZE=100000


Another thing that I do is ignore some commands from my history. No need to remember the exit command.

export HISTIGNORE="&:[ ]*:exit"


You definitely want to set histappend. Otherwise, bash overwrites your history when you exit.

shopt -s histappend


Another option that I use is cmdhist. This lets you save multi-line commands to the history as one command.

shopt -s cmdhist

最后,在Mac OS X(如果你不使用vi模式),你会想重置&LT;&CTRL GT; -S被滚动停止。从能够跨preT它作为向前搜索这prevents庆典。

Finally, on Mac OS X (if you're not using vi mode), you'll want to reset <CTRL>-S from being scroll stop. This prevents bash from being able to interpret it as forward search.

stty stop ""


05-27 13:25