我将工作中的 WCF 服务从我的开发环境转移到 QA 环境,包括证书(根权限、根身份验证撤销列表、服务证书 - 包括其 PK).
I transfered a workking WCF service from my development environment to the QA environment, including the certificates (Root Authority, Root Auth revocation list, Service certificate - including its PK).
之后我找到了私钥 usihg 'FindPrivateKey' 并授予所有相关帐户在文件系统级别访问私钥文件的完全权限.
Afterward I located the private key usihg 'FindPrivateKey' and gave all the relavent accounts full permissions to access the private key file at the file system level.
我的应用因未处理的异常而崩溃:System.InvalidOperationException:无法加载配置中指定的 X.509 证书标识.
My app crashes with a Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot load the X.509 certificate identity specified in the configuration.
I am stumped, I think I covered everything, but obviously not...
我已经在 Windows 服务主机和控制台应用主机上尝试过这个.同样的问题.
I have tried this on a Windows Service Host as well as a Console App Host. Same issue.
我在 Win 7 上用 VS2010 SP1 编写的简单 WFC 服务中遇到了同样的错误.我发现的修复是添加
I ran into this same error in a simple WFC service written with VS2010 SP1 on Win 7. The fix that I found was to add
<dns value="localhost" />
到 app.config 的 部分
to the <identity> section of app.config
这篇关于“无法加载配置中指定的 X.509 证书身份"的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!