我正在使用 SQL Server 2016 从存储在 DB2 数据库中的 ERP 系统中提取信息.这有数千个表,其中没有键.从系统中提取表时,我希望能够识别表中匹配的列名,以便在构建维度时开始创建关系和键.
I am using SQL Server 2016 to pull information out of our ERP system that is stored in a DB2 database. This has thousands of tables with no keys inside of them. When pulling tables from the system, I want to be able to identify matching column names in tables so I can start creating relationships and keys when building dimensions.
有没有办法创建一个查询来搜索我的数据库中的列名并列出使用该列名的每个表?我一直在使用 OPENQUERY
Is there a way to create a query that will search my database for column names and list every table that uses that column name? I have been using OPENQUERY
to determine the tables I want to pull over but now I want to start determining relationships between those tables.
You can look in the old yet gold system tables.A few examples
查找列名为 ID 的所有表
find all tables with a column named like ID
select so.name, sc.name
from sys.sysobjects so
join sys.syscolumns sc on sc.id = so.id
where so.xtype = N'U'
and sc.name like 'ID%'
从表中查找 FK
select so2.name
from sys.sysobjects so
join sys.sysforeignkeys fk on so.id = fk.rkeyid
join sys.sysobjects so2 on fk.fkeyid = so2.id
where so.name = 'MyTable'
查看 MSDN 文档以获取更多参考,如果您想要任何特定组合,只需发布一个新问题.
Check MSDN documentation for further reference and if you want any specific combination just post a new question.