

问题从1.3版更新BB eclipse插件到1.5,与插件V.1.3出现后,它的工作只是正常。

I have small problem with displaying cyrillic app name on PlayBook and BB10 simulator. Looks like it's incorrectly encoded from russian.Problem appeared after updating bb eclipse plugin from version 1.3 to 1.5, with plugin v.1.3 it worked just ok.

我将AP preciate任何帮助或想法。

I'll appreciate any help or ideas.


Here is screenshot from bb10 simulator:



I found workaround myself.

当我用BB eclipse插件encodding的问题,我决定做同样的事情comandline工具。

When I got problems with encodding with bb eclipse plugin, I decided to do the same thing with comandline tools.

在工具设置(唱键,调试​​令牌等),我试图重新打包我的apk文件使用此命令(来源apk文件在APK /文件夹和目标文件酒吧是酒吧/文件夹)

After tools setup (sing keys, debug tokens, etc), I've tried to repackage my apk file with this command (source apk file was in apk/ folder and destination for bar file was bar/ folder)

./apk2bar apk/ -d bbplaybookdebugtoken.bar -t bar/ -a "zasadnyy" -cg


When I've got .bar file, I've installed it with command:

/batchbar-deploy bar/ mysecretpass


当我解压栏中的文件,打开 MANIFEST.MS - 我发现这行:

When I unzipped bar file and opened MANIFEST.MS - I've found this line:

Application-Name: –ì–µ—Ä–æ–∏

1.重命名 MANIFEST.MS <你APK名称>即.mf
3.将编辑在同一文件夹清单文件作为<您的apk名称> .apk文件并重新运行 apk2bar 工具, ** - M ** 参数,例如:

According to documentation solution should be quite strainforward:1. Rename MANIFEST.MS to <you apk name>.mf2. Update incorrect properties, in my case I've changed line from above to "Application-Name: Герои"3. Put edited manifest file in the same folder as <your apk name>.apk and rerun apk2bar tool with **-m** parameter, e.g.:

./apk2bar apk/ -d bbplaybookdebugtoken.bar -t bar/ -a "zasadnyy" -m -cg


Repackage, deploy, run and ..... and again FAIL. Application name was "–ì–µ—Ä–æ–∏".

第二次失败后,我决定把肮脏的黑客,我已经编辑 MANIFEST.MF 直接以新的包装条文件(解压缩 - >编辑清单 - >拉链 - >改变文件扩展名.bar的)。结果
部署的.bar文件更新到剧本和.... YEAH ,我们已经得到了cyrilic应用程序名称!

After second fail, I decided to make dirty hack, I've edited MANIFEST.MF directly in repackaged bar file (Unzip -> edit manifest -> zip -> change file extension to .bar).
Deploy updated .bar file to playbook and .... YEAH, we've got cyrilic app name!


  • 看起来像在1.5版本中,如果apk2bar工具清单编码配置错误(在版本1.3,它的工作只是OK)

  • 在奥得河为 FIX 的问题:解压缩签名栏文件 - >编辑清单 - >拉链 - >更改文件扩展名回到.bar的

  • Looks like in 1.5 release if apk2bar tool manifest encoding is misconfigured (in ver. 1.3 it worked just ok)
  • In oder to FIX issue: Unzip unsigned bar file -> edit manifest -> zip -> change file extension back to .bar


05-29 14:58