本文介绍了ang bug?命名空间模板类“的朋友的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



The following code which doesn't compile under clang but does under gcc and VS:

template<typename T> class bar;

namespace NS
    template<typename T>
    class foo
        foo() {}

        template<typename U> friend class bar;

template<typename R>
class bar
        NS::foo<int> f;

int main(int, char **)
    bar<int> b;
    return 0;


main.cpp:20:22: error: calling a private constructor of class 'NS::foo<int>'

        NS::foo<int> f;

main.cpp:8:9: note: implicitly declared private here

        foo() {}

bar 应该可以访问 foo 的私有构造函数,但它看起来没有。如果我删除命名空间NS ,它会编译。

bar should have access to foo's private constructor but it looks like it doesn't. If I remove namespace NS, it compiles.

代码看起来很好,但也许我误解了C ++标准。哪个编译器是正确的?

Code looks fine to me, but maybe I'm misunderstanding the C++ standard. Which compiler is correct?


我相信clang是正确的。根据[namespace.memdef] / 3:

I believe that clang is correct. According to [namespace.memdef]/3:

在您的情况下,名称不会显示为由 friend 声明。然而,在该段落的后面,强调我:

In your case, the name wouldn't appear to be "first declared" by the friend declaration. Later in that paragraph, however, emphasis mine:


template<typename U> friend class bar;

不会在 bar code> namespace NS ,所以它不会找到你的早期声明。因此,它声明一个类模板 NS :: bar< typename> 朋友 $ c> foo 。您必须限定 bar 的名称才能找到

will not look for bar outside of namespace NS, so it will not find your earlier declaration. As such, it declares a class template NS::bar<typename > to be a friend of foo. You will have to qualify the name bar in order for it to be found:

template<typename U> friend class ::bar;


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05-27 18:03