


What happens if I do not return din or dout, actually I'm reading a book in which writer returns back stream references

istream & operator>>(istream &din,vector &a)
    for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
    return din;

ostream & operator<<(ostream &dout,vector &a)
    for(int i=1;i<size;i++)
    dout<<", "<<a.v[i];
    return dout;



The reason is a combination of several facts.

  1. 您希望能够像在

  1. You want to be able to chain input and output operations as in

in  >> x >> y;

out << z << std::precision(10) << t << std::endl;


so you must return something that allows operator<< again.


Since you want your operator to work on any istream, i.e. any object derived from std::istream, you cannot define

operator<<(istream_type, object);    // take istream by value


since this would only work for the specific istream type istream_type, but not for a generic istream. For that one must use polymorphism, i.e. either take a reference or a pointer (which will be a reference or pointer to a class derived from std::istream).


Since you only have a reference to the istream, you cannot return the istream object itself (which may be of a type not even defined at the point of the definition of operator<<) but only the reference you've got.


One could get around this restriction by defining operator<< a template and take and return the istream_type by value, but that requires the istream type to have a copy constructor, which it may well not have for good reasons.

为了引起多态性,原则上可以使用指针(指向流)而不是引用.但是,operator<<(stream*,const char*)是在C ++中是不允许的(至少一个操作数必须是类或枚举类型).

In order to envoke polymorphism one could, in principle, use pointers (to streams) rather than references. However, operator<<(stream*,const char*) is not allowed in C++ (at least one operand must be of class or enumeration type).

因此,使用流指针时,必须使用函数调用语法,然后返回C风格的fprintf(stream*, args...).

Thus, with stream pointers one must use function-call syntax and you're back with C-style fprintf(stream*, args...).


Moreover, pointers can be null or dangling, which in fact is their default state (when declared without initializer), while a reference can be assumed to be valid (it cannot be declared without initializer).


10-16 08:05