

我使用自定义 streambuf 创建了一个C ++ istream 。尝试移动此失败,因为istream移动构造函数是受保护的。为了绕过这个我从 istream 得到一个类:

I'm creating a C++ istream with a custom streambuf. Trying to move this fails because the istream move constructor is protected. To get round this I derived a class from istream:

struct VectorCharBuf : public streambuf {
    VectorCharBuf(vector<char>& v) {
        setg(v.data(), v.data(), v.data() + v.size());

struct IVectorCharStream : public istream {
    IVectorCharStream(VectorCharBuf* contents_buf) : istream(contents_buf) {}


The default move constructor for this class is not generated because it involves the


Further, if I try to declare a move constructor explicitly, as in

struct MyIStream : public istream {
    MyIStream(MyIStream&& str) : istream(move(str)) {}

我得到一个错误无效使用void expression。 (我可能在这后一种情况下做蠢事,但我只是不能发现它。)

I get an error "invalid use of void expression". (I'm probably doing something silly in this last case, but I just can't spot it... .)

如何创建一个可移动 istream


struct MyIStream : public istream {
    MyIStream(MyIStream&& str) : istream(move(str)) {}

这不起作用,因为 basic_ios istream 包含成员函数 void move(basic_ios& _Other)(用于移动基类)。

This doesn't work because basic_ios, a base class of istream contains a member function void move(basic_ios& _Other) (for moving the base class).

如果在构造函数中使用 std :: move(str),它会编译!

If you use std::move(str) in the constructor, it compiles!


09-16 07:41