I've been struggling with this problem for a couple days, and I still am not sure how to solve it.
I've created a container extension for the Unity Container to enable me to easily register decorator classes in the container. This is the implementation I currently have, which is almost identical to the one in this article:
public class DecoratorExtension : UnityContainerExtension
private int m_order;
private Dictionary<Type, IList<DecoratorRegistration>> m_typeStacks;
protected override void Initialize()
m_typeStacks = new Dictionary<Type, IList<DecoratorRegistration>>();
Context.Registering += AddRegistration;
Context.Strategies.Add(new DecoratorBuildStrategy(m_typeStacks), UnityBuildStage.PreCreation);
private void AddRegistration(object _sender, RegisterEventArgs _e)
if (_e.TypeFrom == null || !_e.TypeFrom.IsInterface)
.Add(new DecoratorRegistration {Order = m_order++, Type = _e.TypeTo});
private IList<DecoratorRegistration> GetStack(Type _type)
if (!m_typeStacks.ContainsKey(_type))
m_typeStacks.Add(_type, new List<DecoratorRegistration>());
return m_typeStacks[_type];
What this does is use a list for each type, to store all type registrations for the same target type, so that I can reassemble it when Resolve is called, using this build strategy:
internal class DecoratorBuildStrategy : BuilderStrategy
private readonly Dictionary<Type, IList<DecoratorRegistration>> m_typeStacks;
internal DecoratorBuildStrategy(Dictionary<Type, IList<DecoratorRegistration>> _typeStacks)
m_typeStacks = _typeStacks;
public override void PreBuildUp(IBuilderContext _context)
var key = _context.OriginalBuildKey;
if (_context.GetOverriddenResolver(key.Type) != null)
// Only interfaces can use decorators.
if (!key.Type.IsInterface)
// Gets the list of types required to build the 'decorated' instance.
// The list is reversed so that the least dependent types are built first.
var decoratorTypes = GetDecoratorTypes(key.Type).Reverse().ToList();
if (!decoratorTypes.Any())
object value = null;
foreach (var type in decoratorTypes)
Type typeToBuild = type;
if (typeToBuild.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
Type[] genericArgumentTypes = key.Type.GetGenericArguments();
typeToBuild = typeToBuild.MakeGenericType(genericArgumentTypes);
value = _context.NewBuildUp(new NamedTypeBuildKey(typeToBuild, key.Name));
// An Override is created so that in the next BuildUp the already
// built object gets used instead of doing the BuildUp again and
// entering an infinite loop
_context.AddResolverOverrides(new DependencyOverride(key.Type, value));
_context.Existing = value;
_context.BuildComplete = true;
private IEnumerable<Type> GetDecoratorTypes(Type _type)
var typeList = m_typeStacks.GetValueOrDefault(_type) ?? new List<DecoratorRegistration>(0);
if (!_type.IsGenericType)
return typeList.Select(_reg => _reg.Type);
// If the type is a generic type, we need to get all open generic registrations
// alongside the closed ones
var openGenericList = m_typeStacks
.GetValueOrDefault(_type.GetGenericTypeDefinition()) ??
new List<DecoratorRegistration>(0);
// The final result is an ordered concatenation of the closed and open registrations
// that should be used for the type
return typeList
.OrderBy(_registration => _registration.Order)
.Select(_reg => _reg.Type);
这是其中DecoratorRegistration模型被使用。这仅仅是一个对类型/ int值,重新presents登记的顺序。我创建了这是能够混合开放和正确关闭通用注册:
This is where the DecoratorRegistration model is used. It is just a pair of type/int that represents the order of the registration. I created this to be able to mix open and closed generic registrations correctly:
internal struct DecoratorRegistration
public int Order { get; set; }
public Type Type { get; set; }
This works wonders for the most part. The problem started when I had a class that implemented two interfaces, one which was decorated, and one that wasn't.
This is the current test case I'm trying to make work:
private interface IAny<T> {}
private interface IAnotherInterface {}
private class Base<T> : IAnotherInterface, IAny<T> {}
private class Decorator1<T> : IAny<T>
internal readonly IAny<T> Decorated;
public Decorator1(IAny<T> _decorated)
Decorated = _decorated;
public void DecoratorExtensionDoesNotInterfereWithNormalRegistrations()
// Arrange
var container = new UnityContainer()
.RegisterType<Base<string>>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager())
.RegisterType<IAny<string>, Decorator1<string>>()
.RegisterType<IAny<string>, Base<string>>()
.RegisterType<IAnotherInterface, Base<string>>();
// Act
var decorated = container.Resolve<IAny<string>>();
var normal = container.Resolve<IAnotherInterface>();
var anotherDecorated = container.Resolve<IAny<string>>();
var anotherNormal = container.Resolve<IAnotherInterface>();
// Assert
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(normal, typeof (IAnotherInterface));
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(decorated, typeof (Decorator1<string>));
Assert.AreSame(normal, anotherNormal);
Assert.AreSame(decorated, anotherDecorated);
这个测试应该让我的意图明确。我想单身类,但在第一次调用来解决,对于任何一个 IAnotherInterface
或 IANY&LT;字符串&GT;
This test should make my intent clear. I wanted singleton classes, but the first call to Resolve, for either IAnotherInterface
or IAny<string>
results in every subsequent call to return the same thing. Thus, I get an exception:
System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'Decorator1`1[System.String]' to type 'IAnotherInterface'.
var normal = container.Resolve<IAnotherInterface>();
实例是sintleton,但是当我请求 IANY&LT;字符串&GT;
I'm not sure what to do here. I had to temporarily disable singletons in our project so that this could work as intended. What I wanted is that the Base<string>
instance was a sintleton, but when I requested a IAny<string>
it would create a NEW instance with the SAME base being decorated.
这是仍在使用.NET 4.0中,所以我坚持使用Unity 2.1位置(不应该在这种情况下,不管虽然)。
This is still using .Net 4.0, so I'm stuck with Unity 2.1 here (shouldn't matter in this case though).
It's been a while since I've solved this, so I figured that it would be good to replicate the answer I got from Randy Levy from the EntLib team here.
It basically boils down to the build key I was using to register the decorator instance. With my code, the instance was actually registered with the base class type, while I needed to register it with the actual decorator type.
This post has the suggested workaround for the issue, which worked very nicely on our end.