

我想在用户单击 jqgrid 的单元格时编写一个事件.有内置方法吗?我在 此链接

I want to write an event when user click on a cell of jqgrid. Is there build in method?I could not find any event at this link


回调和jQuery事件描述这里.jqGrid 在网格主体上注册 click 处理程序.在 click 处理程序中,回调 beforeSelectRow 和稍后的 onCellSelect 将被调用.同样,jQuery 事件 jqGridBeforeSelectRowjqGridCellSelect 也会被调用.

Callbacks and jQuery events are described here. jqGrid register click handler on the body of the grid. Inside of the click handler the callbacks beforeSelectRow and later onCellSelect will be called. In the same way jQuery events jqGridBeforeSelectRow and jqGridCellSelect will be called too.

回调和事件包含 e 参数(jQuery 事件对象),其中 target 属性可用于获取有关的所有信息如果 beforeSelectRow 回调(或 onCellSelect 回调)的其他参数未提供您需要的内容,则单击事件.旧答案:答案这个这个这个这个这个和其他许多提供了onCellSelectbeforeSelectRow回调用法的示例.

The callbacks and the events contains e parameter (jQuery Event object) which target property could be used to get all information about the click event if the other parameters of the beforeSelectRow callback (or onCellSelect callback) don't provides already what you need. The old answers: the answer, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one and many other provide you examples of the usage of onCellSelect and beforeSelectRow callbacks.


05-29 08:28