DOM方法支持第三个可选的布尔参数(useCapture)来指示该函数是否应该使用事件冒泡或事件捕获作为传播方法。在中,很好地展示了差异(点击示例和查看代码) 。
The addEventListener
DOM method supports a third optional, boolean parameter (useCapture) to indicate whether the function should use event bubbling or event capturing as propagation method. In this article the difference is nicely shown (click on the examples & view code).
From other questions on SO and blog posts, I concluded event bubbling was preferred mostly because IE8- didn't support it.
假设我只需要支持IE9 +,在什么情况下事件捕获对于事件冒泡是必要的还是首选的?换句话说,在什么情况下最好让事件首先在最外面的元素上执行,然后在最里面的元素上执行?我正在寻找一个简单的,真实世界的例子来演示事件捕获的使用......
Suppose I'm only required to support IE9+, in what situation would event capturing be necessary or preferred over event bubbling? In other words, in what situation would it be better to let the events execute on the outermost elements first, and then the innermost elements? I'm looking for a simple, real world example to demonstrate the use of event capturing...
事件捕获用于是Internet Explorer浏览器之外的唯一选择:
Event capturing used to be the only option outside of the Internet Explorer browser:
Event capturing is useful in event delegation when bubbling is not supported. For example:
Many newly specified events in the web platform (such as the media events) do not bubble, which is a problem for frameworks like Ember that rely on event delegation. However, the capture API, which was added in IE9, is invoked properly for all events, and does not require a normalization layer. Not only would supporting the capture API allow us to drop the jQuery dependency, but it would allow us to properly handle these non-bubbling events. This would allow you to use events like playing in your components without having to manually set up event listeners.
Custom events and bubbling have the following issues:
jQuery silently changes inline handlers to bubble handlers.
This changes expected invocation order
This can cause automated tests to fail
Events triggered via jQuery.trigger trigger handlers in a different order than events triggered by a user.
This changes expected invocation order
This leads to difficult to reason about and debug aberrations in behavior
This often causes automated tests to fail
Events must flow down and bubble back up through the entire DOM before being detected by the Ember application, and then must undergo an expensive delegation process that is effectively re-bubbling to find the right handler.
Handlers attached directly within components or by non-ember plugins take precedent over handlers attached by Ember, whether this was desired or not.
This causes component handlers to have far-reaching side-effects
This leads to difficult to reason about and debug aberrations in behavior
This often causes automated tests to fail
A media player focus=>play preprocess/postprocess event flow would be a simple use case.
为了利用捕获,我们必须采用金属。 jQuery的事件方法只适用于冒泡,不要让我们进入捕获阶段。捕获处理程序如下所示:
To make use of capturing, we have to go down to the metal. jQuery’s event methods only work for bubbling and don’t let us tap into the capturing phase. The capturing handler looks like:
document.addEventListener("mousedown", function(event) {
if ($(event.target).closest(".sortable_handle").length) {
$("article.todolist, section.todolists").sortable();
}, true);