我必须使用 SOAP 使用第三方 Web 服务.让它与 WCF 一起工作很容易,但现在我遇到了 SOAP 错误的问题.该服务向我发送了一个不正确的 SOAP 错误:
I have to consume to a third-party web service using SOAP. It was easy to get it to work with WCF, but now I have a problem with SOAP faults. The service sends me an incorrect SOAP fault:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<SOAP-ENV:faultstring>Unknown Function</SOAP-ENV:faultstring>
错误是 不能有命名空间:
The error is that the <faultcode>
must not have a namespace:
System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException : Server returned an invalid
SOAP Fault. Please see InnerException for more details.
----> System.Xml.XmlException : Start element 'faultcode' from namespace
'' expected. Found element 'SOAP-ENV:faultcode' from namespace
我无法更改原始 Web 服务 - 但是 WCF 中是否有任何内容可以用来以某种方式处理这些错误消息,而不会一直收到 CommunicationException
I can't change the original web service - but is there anything in WCF I can use to still handle these fault messages in some way without getting CommunicationException
all the time?
Yes, but it's not exactly elegant. See the message inspector code at the bottom of this forum post:
基本上,您可以获取传入的消息并对其进行更改,以便 WCF 可以对其进行处理.
Basically, you can take the incoming message and alter it so that it can be handled by WCF.
这篇关于如何处理 WCF 中不正确的 SOAP 错误?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!