

你如何跟踪/ profile中的.NET应用程序?MSDN联机帮助中提到的Visual Studio团队(这是我所不具备),而且Windows性能工具包。但是,有没有其他的解决方案,你可以推荐? preferably的解决方案能在不改变code(手动地)(当然),并且可以集成在Visual Studio

How do you trace/profile your .NET applications?The MSDN online help mentions Visual Studio Team (which I do not possess) and there is the Windows Performance Toolkit. But, are there other solutions you can recommend? Preferably (of course) a solution that works without changing the code (manually) and that can be integrated in Visual Studio.


另请参阅这个问题。 JetBrains公司dotTrace是最好的.NET探查我发现(我曾尝试pretty的多少每个人有),因为它是唯一一个具有足够低开销来处理处理器密集型应用程序。这也简单,准确和精心设计的 - !强烈推荐

See also this question. JetBrains dotTrace is the best .NET profiler I have found (and I have tried pretty much every one there is), because it is the only one that has low enough overhead to handle a processor-intensive application. It is also simple, accurate and well-designed - highly recommended!


08-27 08:52