


The javadoc for Stream states:

因此,在绝大多数情况下,可以在单行中使用Streams,例如 collection.stream()。forEach(System.out :: println); 但是对于 Files.lines 和其他资源支持的流,必须使用try-with-resources语句或泄漏资源。

Therefore, the vast majority of the time one can use Streams in a one-liner, like collection.stream().forEach(System.out::println); but for Files.lines and other resource-backed streams, one must use a try-with-resources statement or else leak resources.

这让我觉得容易出错并且不必要。由于Streams只能迭代一次,在我看来,没有一个情况, Files.lines 的输出不应该在迭代后立即关闭,因此,实现应该在任何终端操作结束时隐式调用close。我错了吗?

This strikes me as error-prone and unnecessary. As Streams can only be iterated once, it seems to me that there is no a situation where the output of Files.lines should not be closed as soon as it has been iterated, and therefore the implementation should simply call close implicitly at the end of any terminal operation. Am I mistaken?



Yes, this was a deliberate decision. We considered both alternatives.


The operating design principle here is "whoever acquires the resource should release the resource". Files don't auto-close when you read to EOF; we expect files to be closed explicitly by whoever opened them. Streams that are backed by IO resources are the same.


Fortunately, the language provides a mechanism for automating this for you: try-with-resources. Because Stream implements AutoCloseable, you can do:

try (Stream<String> s = Files.lines(...)) {


The argument that "it would be really convenient to auto-close so I could write it as a one-liner" is nice, but would mostly be the tail wagging the dog. If you opened a file or other resource, you should also be prepared to close it. Effective and consistent resource management trumps "I want to write this in one line", and we chose not to distort the design just to preserve the one-line-ness.


09-05 14:33