


We had a guy working with us who used the maven-assembly-plugin to package all dependencies. He has since left the company and I'm trying to figure out how he did this. I am just now learning about the maven-assembly-plugin.

我们的应用程序被拆分为Maven POM项目以及相关的模块项目。在下面的示例中,我已经包含了运行时模块项目。我尝试在我的应用程序中创建一个名为runtime的模块项目,但是当我做出任何更改时,它会失去与父项目的关联。

Our applications are split into a Maven POM project with associated module projects. In the following example, I've included the runtime module project. I tried to create a module project called runtime in my application, but the minute I make any changes it loses the association with the parent project.


We are using Netbeans.

+- pom.xml
+- Simulator
    +- pom.xml
+- comms
    +- pom.xml
    +- src
        +- main
            +- java
+- framework
    +- pom.xml
    +- src
        +- main
            +- java
+- core
    +- pom.xml
    +- src
        +- main
            +- java


This is what I want to create:

+- runtime
    +- pom.xml
    +- src
        +- assemble
            +- assembly (xml file)
    +- target
        +- Simulator
        +- archive-tmp
        +- classes
        +- test-classes
        +- Simulator (zip file)
    +- config
    +- data
    +- scripts


After doing a little more research, I think I might be putting the cart before the horse. I already have a main project that includes the module projects.

  1. 那么下一步到底是什么?

  2. 创建程序集描述符文件?

  3. 将我的主pom文件编辑为父级?


Below are some helpful questions and answers but I'm still confused. Can someone please tell me what to do first?


我想通了为什么模块从我的主项目中消失了。 Netbeans !! 我重启了它,我的运行时模块就在那里。

I figured out why the module was disappearing from my main project. Netbeans!! I restarted it and my runtime module was there.


So, now I need to edit my POM file in the runtime module?


如果我正确地读了你的问题,你想要做的是添加一个新的Maven模块(称为 runtime )到现有项目并在这个新项目中使用 maven-assembly-plugin 打包它。

If I read your question right, what you want to do is to add a new Maven module (called runtime) to an existing project and use the maven-assembly-plugin on this new project to package it.


The first step is then to create the Maven module. I'm not sure if Netbeans provides a facility to do this (Eclise does), but it comes down to:

  • in < modules> 父POM的部分,为 runtime < module> / code>。

  • 在父POM的同一目录级别创建一个名为 runtime 的新文件夹

  • 在这个新文件夹中创建一个文件 pom.xml ,将根POM声明为父POM,如下所示:

  • in the <modules> section of the parent POM, add a new <module> for runtime.
  • create a new folder called runtime at the same directory level of the parent POM
  • create a file pom.xml inside this new folder declaring the root POM as parent POM like this:



为了给你一些开始,请考虑以下POM配置和汇编描述符,它将打包 config下的所有内容zip文件中的数据脚本

To give you something to start with, consider the following POM configuration and assembly descriptor, that will package everything that is under config, data and scripts in a zip file:


使用 assembly.xml

<assembly xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/assembly/1.1.3"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/assembly/1.1.3 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/assembly-1.1.3.xsd">

在父母上运行 mvn clean install 之后POM,将在模块 runtime 目标目录下创建一个zip文件。它将包含3个指定的文件夹。

After running mvn clean install on the parent POM, a zip file will be created under the target directory of the module runtime. It will contain the 3 specified folders.


08-25 23:05