本文介绍了Phonegap + Eclipse + Cordova - 没有config.xml的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我刚刚在Eclipse中创建了一个Android项目,所有的phonegap和cordova文件按预期。但是,我没有这样的目录,因此,没有config.xml。根据Apache Cordova文档,它应该位于:app / res / xml / config.xml。

I just created an Android Project in Eclipse with all the phonegap and cordova files as expected. However, I have no such directory, and thus, no config.xml. According to the Apache Cordova documentation, it is supposed to be located at: app/res/xml/config.xml.

我的文件夹结构如下,对于/ res目录:

My folder structure is as follows, for the /res directory:

- /res/layout/main.xml
- /res/layout/strings.xml


What have I done wrong or what step am I missing? I hope I have provided enough information.


每当我们创建cordova项目时, config.xml 自动创建。我们需要检查已排除列表中是否有任何文件夹。

Whenever we create a cordova project, config.xml gets created automatically. We need to check if there is any folder in excluded list.

转到构建路径 - > 资源 - >检查排除的资源。

Go to Build path -> Resources -> Check for excluded resources.

从项目中删除它们并构建项目。您将能够查看项目/包中的 config.xml www Explorer

Remove them from the project and build the project. You will be able to view the config.xml and www folder in the Project/Package Explorer.

这篇关于Phonegap + Eclipse + Cordova - 没有config.xml的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 17:11