

ref 不能做什么引用?可以

What can ref do that references couldn't? Could

match value.try_thing() {
    &Some(ref e) => do_stuff(e),
    // ...


match value.try_thing() {
    &Some(e) => do_stuff(&e),
    // ...


否,建议的语法无法避免.您的语法不允许引用,否则将允许移动.在此示例中, inner val 中整数的副本,对其进行更改不会影响 val :

No, it is not avoidable with your proposed syntax. Your syntax does not allow for taking a reference when otherwise a move would be permissable. In this example, inner is a copy of the integer from val and changing it has no effect on val:

fn main() {
    let mut val = Some(42);

    if let &mut Some(mut inner) = &mut val {
        inner += 1;

    println!("{:?}", val); // Some(42)

需要 ref 关键字来强制引用:

The ref keyword is needed to force taking a reference:

fn main() {
    let mut val = Some(42);

    if let &mut Some(ref mut inner) = &mut val {
        *inner += 1;

    println!("{:?}", val); // Some(43)


Match ergonomics allows writing this in a simpler manner:

fn main() {
    let mut val = Some(42);

    if let Some(inner) = &mut val {
        *inner += 1;

    println!("{:?}", val);

但是,如果我们仅以这种语法开头,那么我们可能会遇到相反的问题和关键字,一个是强制移动.也许 Some(向内移动).在那个替代的宇宙中,会有一个问题问 move 关键字是否可以避免.

However, if we started with only this syntax, then we'd probably have the opposite problem and keyword, one to force a move instead; perhaps Some(move inner). In that alternate universe, there'd be a question asking if the move keyword was avoidable.



08-24 14:38