AWS Glue中的标准DPU带有4个vCPU和2个执行程序.我对可以与此配置并行运行的并发任务的最大数量感到困惑.在具有4vcpu和2个执行程序的单个DPU上是4还是8?
A standard DPU in AWS Glue comes with 4 vCPU and 2 executors.I am confused about the maximum number of concurrent tasks that can be run in parallel with this configuration. Is it 4 or 8 on a single DPU with 4vcpu and 2 executors?
我与AWS Glue支持团队进行了类似的讨论,我将与您分享他们对Glue Configuration的了解.以Standard和G1.X配置为例.
I had a similar discussion with the AWS Glue support team about this, I'll share with you what they told me about Glue Configuration. Take in example the Standard and the G1.X configuration.
- 为MasterNode保留1个DPU
- 为驱动程序/ApplicationMaster保留1个执行器
- 每个DPU配置有2个执行器
- 每个执行程序都配置有5.5 GB内存
- 每个执行器都配置有4个内核
G.1X WorkerType配置:
G.1X WorkerType Configuration:
- 为MasterNode添加了1个DPU
- 为驱动程序/ApplicationMaster保留1个DPU
- 每个工作程序都配置了1个执行程序
- 每个执行程序都配置有10 GB内存
- 每个执行器都配置有8个内核
例如,如果我们有一个具有21 DPU标准配置的作业,则意味着我们拥有:
If we have for example a Job with Standard Configuration with 21 DPU means that we have:
- 为Master保留1个DPU
- 20个DPU x 2 = 40个执行程序
- 1个驱动程序/AM-40个执行程序= 39个执行程序
Which we then end up with a total amount of 156 cores. Meaning, your job has 156 slots for execution. If for example you read files from S3 that means that you will be able to accept 156 input files in parallel.
这篇关于AWS Glue中1个DPU中的最大并发任务数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!