

我对Java线程和OS线程有疑问,我阅读了 Java线程与Pthreads Java线程与OS线程,但我没有找到困惑的答案.

I have a questions about Java thread and OS thread, and I read Java Threads vs Pthreads and Java Threads vs OS Threads but I does not find an answer to my confusions.


I had considered before we call start(), no OS thread is created .

但是根据 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Thread.State.html

我是错误的还是在Java doc中定义的状态不仅是为了标记Thread实例的状态?

Am I wrong or the states defined at java doc are not only to mark the state of Thread instance?


  • 当我们创建Thread实例时但在调用start()
  • 之前会发生什么情况
  • 什么时候真正用Java创建了OS线程
  • what exactly happens when we create a Thread instance but before calling start()
  • when does a OS thread really created in Java


Thread thread = new Thread(){
    public void run() {
        // code
// at this point the thread is in NEW state, all you have a simple java object,
// no actual thread is created

// when start() is invoked, at some unspecified point in the near future
// the thread will go into RUNNABLE state, this means an actual thread will be created.
// That can happen before start() returns.


08-06 22:53