


In AndroidTV's homepage, when user selects a recommendation video, the item will expand itself and shows more information than the other unselect items.


在电视应用程序中,我将 VerticalGridFragment 扩展为 GridFragment 以显示电视节目.并且还扩展了 Presenter 以设置项目布局.但是,选择项目后,该项目只会放大,而不会像首页的建议那样显示更多信息.

In my TV application, I extends the VerticalGridFragment as the GridFragment to show TV shows. And also extends the Presenter to set the item layout. However, when item is selected, the item only scale bigger, but not show more information just like homepage's recommendation.


How can I get this effect in my TV application's Presenter?


也许我找到了解决方案:在 Presenter 中,我们将创建一个 ViewHolder 进行显示,也许像这个:

Maybe I found the solution: In Presenter , we will create a ViewHolder to show, maybe like this:

public class GridItemPresenter extends Presenter {

public GridItemPresenter(Fragment fragment) {
    this.mainFragment = fragment;

public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent) {
    // Here is the view we want to show.
    final RichCardView cardView = new RichCardView(parent.getContext());

    // We should change something when the view is focused: show more information.
    cardView.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {
        public void onFocusChange(View view, final boolean isFocused) {
            updateCardBackgroundColor(cardView, isFocused);
    return new ViewHolder(cardView);

private static void updateCardBackgroundColor(RichCardView view, boolean selected) {

public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder viewHolder, Object item) {
    RichCardView cardView = (RichCardView) viewHolder.view;

public void onUnbindViewHolder(ViewHolder viewHolder) {
    RichCardView cardView = (RichCardView) viewHolder.view;

ViewHolder 是一个保存显示视图的容器,在代码中,视图为 RichCardView .以下是一些 RichCardView 代码:

ViewHolder is a container which holds the showing view, in upon code , view is RichCardView. Here are some of the RichCardView codes:

public class RichCardView extends RelativeLayout {

public RichCardView(Context context) {
    this(context, null);

public RichCardView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    this(context, attrs, android.support.v17.leanback.R.attr.imageCardViewStyle);

public RichCardView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
    super(context, attrs, defStyle);

    LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
    View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.lb_rich_card_view, this);


public void setSelected(boolean selected) {
    if (selected) {
        // when be selected, set some views Visible to show more information.
    } else {
        // when not be selected, hide those views.


When the view is selected , we show more views to show more information. Otherwise, we hide some views to hide some information.

是的, RichCardView 只是对 RelativeLayout 的扩展.您还可以扩展所需的任何 ViewGroup .如果要进行生动的更改,只需在更改视图的可见性时添加一些动画即可.

And yes, RichCardView is simply extends RelativeLayout. You can also extend any ViewGroup you want. If you want to change lively, just add some animations when change view's visibility.


08-04 04:50