本文介绍了如何测试Laravel 5控制器方法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们有Laravel 5控制器方法:

We have Laravel 5 controllers method:

public function getInput()
    $input = \Request::all();
    $links = $input['links'];
    $this->startLinks =  explode("\n", $links);
    return $this;


How can we test this single method? How to pass POST request with data to this method? And how to create instance of this controller class in my test method?



This looks like a method which probably shouldn't belong in a controller. If you are serious about testing, I'd highly recommend reading up on the repository pattern. When testing, it will make your life a lot easier to have everything abstracted out of the controllers.=


With that said though, this is still very testable. The main idea is to figure out what needs to be tested and ONLY test that. This means we don't care what the dependencies are doing, only that they are doing and returning something which the rest of the method will need. In this case, it's the Request facade.


Then you want to make sure the variables are set appropriately and that the method returned an instance of that class. It actually ends up being pretty straight forward.


Should look something like this...

public function testGetInput()
    $requestParams = [
        'links' => "somelink.com\nsomeotherlink.com\nandanotherlink.com\ndoesntmatter.com"

    // Here we are saying the \Request facade should expect the all method to be called and that all method should
    // return some pre-defined things which we will use in our asserts.

    // Here we are just using Laravel's IoC container to instantiate your controller.  Change YourController to whatever
    // your controller is named
    $class = App::make('YourController');

    // Getting results of function so we can test that it has some properties which were supposed to have been set.
    $return = $class->getInput();

    // Again change this to the actual name of your controller.
    $this->assertInstanceOf('YourController', $return);

    // Now test all the things.
    $this->assertTrue(in_array('somelink.com', $return->startLInks));
    $this->assertTrue(in_array('nsomeotherlink.com', $return->startLInks));
    $this->assertTrue(in_array('nandanotherlink.com', $return->startLInks));
    $this->assertTrue(in_array('ndoesntmatter.com', $return->startLInks));

这篇关于如何测试Laravel 5控制器方法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 19:46