


In the documentation of sapply and replicate there is a warning regarding using ...


Now, I can accept it as such, but would like to understand what is behind it. So I've created this little contrived example:

innerfunction<-function(x, extrapar1=0, extrapar2=extrapar1)
    cat("x:", x, ", xp1:", extrapar1, ", xp2:", extrapar2, "\n")


outerfunction<-function(x, ...)
    cat("Run middle function:\n")
    replicate(2, middlefunction(x,...))
    cat("Run inner function:\n")
    replicate(2, innerfunction(x,...))



Perhaps I've done something obvious horribly wrong, but I find the result of this rather upsetting. So can anyone explain to me why, in all of the above calls to outerfunction, I get this output:

Run middle function:
x: 1 , xp1: 0 , xp2: 0
x: 1 , xp1: 0 , xp2: 0
Run inner function:
x: 1 , xp1: 0 , xp2: 0
x: 1 , xp1: 0 , xp2: 0


Like I said: the docs seem to warn for this, but I do not see why this is so.



?replicate, in the Examples section, tells us explicitly that what you are trying to do does not and will not work. In the Note section of ?replicate we have:

     If ‘expr’ is a function call, be aware of assumptions about where
     it is evaluated, and in particular what ‘...’ might refer to.  You
     can pass additional named arguments to a function call as
     additional named arguments to ‘replicate’: see ‘Examples’.


And if we look at Examples, we see:

 ## use of replicate() with parameters:
 foo <- function(x=1, y=2) c(x,y)
 # does not work: bar <- function(n, ...) replicate(n, foo(...))
 bar <- function(n, x) replicate(n, foo(x=x))
 bar(5, x=3)

我对文档的了解是,它们所做的远远不只是警告您在replicate()调用中使用...;他们明确证明它不起作用.该帮助文件中的许多讨论都与其他功能的... 参数有关,而不一定与replicate()有关.

My reading of the docs is that they do far more than warn you about using ... in replicate() calls; they explicitly document that it does not work. Much of the discussion in that help file relates to the ... argument of the other functions, not necessarily to replicate().


07-23 15:47