I am looking for the best way to create a billboard in Qt3D. I would like a plane which faces the camera wherever it is and does not change sized when the camera dollies forward or back. I have read how to do this using GLSL vertex and geometry shaders, but I am looking for the Qt3D way, unless customer shaders is the most efficient and best way of billboarding.
我已经看过了,看来我可以通过属性在 QTransform
上设置矩阵,但是我不清楚如何处理矩阵,或者可能在那里是更好的方法?我正在使用C ++ API,但是可以使用QML答案。我可以将其移植到C ++。
I have looked, and it appears I can set the Matrix on a QTransform
via properties, but it isn't clear to me how I would manipulate the matrix, or perhaps there is a better way? I am using the C++ api, but a QML answer would do. I could port it to C++.
If you want to draw just one billboard, you can add a plane and rotate it whenever the camera moves. However, if you want to do this efficiently with thousands or millions of billboards, I recommend using custom shaders. We did this to draw impostor spheres in Qt3D.
However, we didn't use a geometry shader because we were targeting systems that didn't support geometry shaders. Instead, we used only the vertex shader by placing four vertices in the origin and moved these on the shader. To create many copies, we used instanced drawing. We moved each set of four vertices according to the positions of the spheres. Finally, we moved each of the four vertices of each sphere such that they result in a billboard that is always facing the camera.
Start out by subclassing QGeometry and created a buffer functor that creates four points, all in the origin (see spherespointgeometry.cpp). Give each point an ID that we can use later. If you use geometry shaders, the ID is not needed and you can get away with creating only one vertex.
class SpheresPointVertexDataFunctor : public Qt3DRender::QBufferDataGenerator
QByteArray operator ()() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
const int verticesCount = 4;
// vec3 pos
const quint32 vertexSize = (3+1) * sizeof(float);
QByteArray verticesData;
float *verticesPtr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(verticesData.data());
// Vertex 1
*verticesPtr++ = 0.0;
*verticesPtr++ = 0.0;
*verticesPtr++ = 0.0;
// VertexID 1
*verticesPtr++ = 0.0;
// Vertex 2
*verticesPtr++ = 0.0;
*verticesPtr++ = 0.0;
*verticesPtr++ = 0.0;
// VertexID 2
*verticesPtr++ = 1.0;
// Vertex 3
*verticesPtr++ = 0.0;
*verticesPtr++ = 0.0;
*verticesPtr++ = 0.0;
// VertexID3
*verticesPtr++ = 2.0;
// Vertex 4
*verticesPtr++ = 0.0;
*verticesPtr++ = 0.0;
*verticesPtr++ = 0.0;
// VertexID 4
*verticesPtr++ = 3.0;
return verticesData;
bool operator ==(const QBufferDataGenerator &other) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
return true;
For the real positions, we used a separate QBuffer. We also set color and scale, but I have omitted those here (see spheredata.cpp):
void SphereData::setPositions(QVector<QVector3D> positions, QVector3D color, float scale)
QByteArray ba;
ba.resize(positions.size() * sizeof(QVector3D));
SphereVBOData *vboData = reinterpret_cast<QVector3D *>(ba.data());
for(int i=0; i<positions.size(); i++) {
QVector3D &position = vboData[i];
position = positions[i];
m_count = positions.count();
然后,在QML中,我们将几何与QGeometryRenderer中的缓冲区相连。如果愿意,也可以在C ++中完成(请参阅
Then, in QML, we connected the geometry with the buffer in a QGeometryRenderer. This can also be done in C++, if you prefer (seeSpheres.qml):
GeometryRenderer {
id: spheresMeshInstanced
primitiveType: GeometryRenderer.TriangleStrip
enabled: instanceCount != 0
instanceCount: sphereData.count
geometry: SpheresPointGeometry {
attributes: [
Attribute {
name: "pos"
attributeType: Attribute.VertexAttribute
vertexBaseType: Attribute.Float
vertexSize: 3
byteOffset: 0
byteStride: (3 + 3 + 1) * 4
divisor: 1
buffer: sphereData ? sphereData.buffer : null
最后,我们创建了自定义着色器以绘制广告牌。请注意,由于我们正在绘制冒名顶替者球体,因此增加了广告牌的大小,以处理来自尴尬角度的片段着色器中的光线跟踪。通常,您可能不需要 2.0 * 0.6
Finally, we created custom shaders to draw the billboards. Note that because we were drawing impostor spheres, the billboard size was increased to handle raytracing in the fragment shader from awkward angles. You likely do not need the 2.0*0.6
factor in general.
#version 330
in vec3 vertexPosition;
in float vertexId;
in vec3 pos;
in vec3 col;
in float scale;
uniform vec3 eyePosition = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
uniform mat4 modelMatrix;
uniform mat4 mvp;
out vec3 modelSpherePosition;
out vec3 modelPosition;
out vec3 color;
out vec2 planePosition;
out float radius;
vec3 makePerpendicular(vec3 v) {
if(v.x == 0.0 && v.y == 0.0) {
if(v.z == 0.0) {
return vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
return vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
return vec3(-v.y, v.x, 0.0);
void main() {
vec3 position = vertexPosition + pos;
color = col;
radius = scale;
modelSpherePosition = (modelMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0)).xyz;
vec3 view = normalize(position - eyePosition);
vec3 right = normalize(makePerpendicular(view));
vec3 up = cross(right, view);
float texCoordX = 1.0 - 2.0*(float(vertexId==0.0) + float(vertexId==2.0));
float texCoordY = 1.0 - 2.0*(float(vertexId==0.0) + float(vertexId==1.0));
planePosition = vec2(texCoordX, texCoordY);
position += 2*0.6*(-up - right)*(scale*float(vertexId==0.0));
position += 2*0.6*(-up + right)*(scale*float(vertexId==1.0));
position += 2*0.6*(up - right)*(scale*float(vertexId==2.0));
position += 2*0.6*(up + right)*(scale*float(vertexId==3.0));
vec4 modelPositionTmp = modelMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);
modelPosition = modelPositionTmp.xyz;
gl_Position = mvp*vec4(position, 1.0);
#version 330
in vec3 modelPosition;
in vec3 modelSpherePosition;
in vec3 color;
in vec2 planePosition;
in float radius;
out vec4 fragColor;
uniform mat4 modelView;
uniform mat4 inverseModelView;
uniform mat4 inverseViewMatrix;
uniform vec3 eyePosition;
uniform vec3 viewVector;
void main(void) {
vec3 rayDirection = eyePosition - modelPosition;
vec3 rayOrigin = modelPosition - modelSpherePosition;
vec3 E = rayOrigin;
vec3 D = rayDirection;
// Sphere equation
// x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = r^2
// Ray equation is
// P(t) = E + t*D
// We substitute ray into sphere equation to get
// (Ex + Dx * t)^2 + (Ey + Dy * t)^2 + (Ez + Dz * t)^2 = r^2
float r2 = radius*radius;
float a = D.x*D.x + D.y*D.y + D.z*D.z;
float b = 2.0*E.x*D.x + 2.0*E.y*D.y + 2.0*E.z*D.z;
float c = E.x*E.x + E.y*E.y + E.z*E.z - r2;
// discriminant of sphere equation
float d = b*b - 4.0*a*c;
if(d < 0.0) {
float t = (-b + sqrt(d))/(2.0*a);
vec3 sphereIntersection = rayOrigin + t * rayDirection;
vec3 normal = normalize(sphereIntersection);
vec3 normalDotCamera = color*dot(normal, normalize(rayDirection));
float pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
vec3 position = modelSpherePosition + sphereIntersection;
// flat red
fragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
It has been some time since we first implemented this, and there might be easier ways to do it now, but this should give you an idea of the pieces you need.
这篇关于使用Qt3D 2.0的广告牌的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!