我在gh页上托管我的react项目时遇到问题.我在GitHub上有我的仓库----> GitHub仓库我的页面返回自述文件而不是indx.html(public/index.html). ---> 我的页面
I have problem with host my react project on gh-pages.i Have my repo on github ----> GitHub repo My page return readme file instead of indx.html (public/index.html). ---> My Page
What should i do to my page with my react app works correctly?
In my experience, it was simply a latency issue. When I initially committed index.html (in the root of the repo), myorg.github.io continued to serve README.md. After a few hours, I returned and tried it again - lo and behold my index.html was served. Because of the time I was away, I can't make a guess about how long it takes github pages to update.