

我正在尝试使用此脚本:在用户滚动时创建一个跟随窗口的简单div。我将它从0更改为topPadding并将topPadding更改为topPadding * 2以获得正确的顶部偏移。

I'm trying to use this script here: http://css-tricks.com/scrollfollow-sidebar/ to make a simple div that follows the window as the user scrolls. I changed it from 0 to topPadding and changed topPadding to topPadding*2 to get the right top offset.


Unfortunately this has the side effect of the object making the page a little longer and allowing the user to scroll infinitely. This bug is also actually in the original code without my larger toppadding changes if you make the window small enough.


I also tried another plugin for jquery, but it didn't work at all and this gives me what I need, so how can I fix it?



I've knocked together this quick amendment, which limits based on the document height. I'm not certain that jQuery is giving an accurate height, hence a safety barrier of 100px. Even if the height isn't quite right, any extra scrolling will be limited and certainly not infinite.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var documentHeight = 0;
    var topPadding = 15;
    $(function() {
        var offset = $("#sidebar").offset();
        documentHeight = $(document).height();
        $(window).scroll(function() {
            var sideBarHeight = $("#sidebar").height();
            if ($(window).scrollTop() > offset.top) {
                var newPosition = ($(window).scrollTop() - offset.top) + topPadding;
                var maxPosition = documentHeight - (sideBarHeight + 100);
                if (newPosition > maxPosition) {
                    newPosition = maxPosition;
                    marginTop: newPosition
            } else {
                    marginTop: 0


08-19 19:57