我正在尝试使这个庞大的 svg 具有响应性.但是,它不起作用,我不知道为什么.
I'm trying to make this massive svg responsive. However, it's not working and I don't know why.
我尝试了以下操作: - 设置宽度:100% 高度:自动(一旦我删除了以像素为单位的宽度/高度设置,图表就会消失,无论我放回什么) - 使用 https://css-tricks.com/scale-svg/
I tried the following: - setting width: 100% height: auto (the diagram disappeared as soon as I removed the set width/height in pixel, regardless what i put back) - using the viewbox attribute as suggested by https://css-tricks.com/scale-svg/
这是代码(是的,我知道它很大.为什么我需要让它适应 100% 的宽度):http://www.cssdesk.com/bsakG
Here's the code (yes, I know it's huge. why I need to make it fit to 100% width): http://www.cssdesk.com/bsakG
Can someone give me some hint as to what I'm doing wrong? I tried many things suggested by other articles, but I seem to keep running into the same problem where if I get rid of the fixed height/width, the whole thing disappeared.
(and yes I know this question may have been asked before, but none of the answers solved my problem)
Contrary to the assumptions in the comments it is perfectly fine to use length values specified as percentages. The spec covers the details in its basic data types section.
Combining this knowledge with the hints from the article you linked to in your question you could end up with something like the following for a responsive layout:
<svg viewbox="0 0 3840 7000" width="100%" height="100%" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet">
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